August 9th, 2014 8:18pm
I thought this thread would be fun and interesting.. I went through and wrote all of the 2014 predictions made since January.. and then bets started happening... read on and find our who won/lost the best, who made the best predictions and who was completely off!
- January -
JShuler - I think that Crown and Blue Devils will be duking it out all season.
KingDarius - I thought the same thing about BD and Crown.
JShuler - SCV AND Bluecoats will be ahead of The Cadets and Phantom.
KingDarius - Bluecoats are so underrated they're amazing.
gcurrier - if i were betting on anyone breaking those top 3, its vanguard.
Stradivarius - Crown all the way!
Zarathrustra - I think Vanguard has a good shot at medaling
Zarathrustra - Crown might go the route of Phantom and tank this year
ctxbd - Top 5: Blue Devils, Crown, Bluecoats, SCV, Cadets
Stradivarius - Top 3: Blue Devils, Coats or Crown
cire: BD will win and no way Crown will repeat with a subpar drumline
- February through June
Stradivarius - I am with crown all the way
corndogshuffle - Colts make finals
Drummantx - BD or Crown. GE Music draw, GE Visual Crown, Guard Crown, Brass Crown, Drums Crown
gcurrior - Crossmen top 12
cire - Crown music was technical, but didn't play much (low horn scores?)
gcurrier - BD has potential, Crown not going away
Drummantx - Crown top 3, loves Bluecoats
Stradivarius - Bluecoats and Crown medals
FastForward - the Bluecoats have as much chance of medaling in the 2014 DCI season as The Empire Statemen have of medaling in DCA Open Class in 2014
Drummantx - Wouldn't be too sure of FastForwards statement
KStove - agrees with Drummantx
FastForward - willing to BET that Bluecoats are a 5-6 place corps and no higher
ctxbd - takes FastForwards bet
FastForward - Just to clarify, I am saying that Bluecoats won't make top Three in the 2014 DCI season. Anyone that feels theBluecoats will make Top Three is more than willing to take my offer up. This would mean I will not practice the season following the DCI Championships IF Bluecoats finishes in the Top Three. However, anyone choosing to accept the bet will not practice the season following the DCI Championships IF the Bluecoats finish outside the Top Three.
cjf20 - takes bet (and believes Bluecoats will finish in the top 3
FastForward - about to see the DCI Cinema event to get a better idea of where Bluecoats will place
corndog - Crown, Cadets, Blue Devils, Bluecoats
gcurrier - BD/Cadets, Bluecoats, Crown
Fastforward - still sticking with Bluecoats NOT in the top 3
gcurrier - not taking bet (scared?) but thinks Bluecoats has a possibility of taking 3rd
Drummantx - Bluecoats 3rd place potential
cire - thinks Bluecoats winning is possible, but not likely.. but hoping they beat Crown
gcurrier - thinks Bluecoats should have beat Crown
gcurrier - loves Bluecoats show but starting to wonder if they can medal, thinks BD will win
- July -
FastForward - Bluecoats will peak & be passed up in the end ... Time will take care of all things Blue
gcurrier - Bluecoats top 4
KStove - Cadets/BD, Bluecoats/Crown/SCV
gcurrier - Bluecoats possibly 2nd
Stradivarius - Crown best brass
Stradivarius - Spartans (open class)
Stradivarius - Crown brass now lagging, hoping for a top 6 finish for Crown
Stradivarius - Watching Blue Devils show on youtube right now. Holy. *beep*.
cire - Blue Devils B
Stradivarius - Blue Devils B
gcurrier - Blue Devils win, or peak early and take 3rd