July 6th, 2014 12:24am
Monthly press release time~
We're having some shows on August 8 (Texas D&BC in Dallas, Texas Open in San Antonio, and Texas Fiesta of Ensembles at UTSA). The Colorguard Fiesta of Ensembles event is on July 13 because of an error.
"What is the price of liberation?"
Announcing their S36 show, ARISE.
ARISE is a show which will take the audience to a world of oppression and subsequent revolution. Act I will show a village of men and women, abused by the bourgeois. Act II heralds the arrival of the revolutionary forces and their struggle against oppression. Act III shows the victory of the revolution against the establishment. Power to the People.
Act I - The Word of Unrest
• "Tropical Storm" - John Adams
• "Polyushka Polye" - Lev Knipper
Act II - The Spirit of Upheaval
• "I Am The Wife of Mao Tse-tung" - John Adams
• "The People Are the Heroes Now" / "Landing the Spirit of 76'" - John Adams
Act III - Arise
• "Scene" from The Gadfly Suite - Dmitri Shostakovich
Let us have a glorious season, comrades.
Announcing their S36 show, Red Thread.
Red Thread - First Avenue Music
"It is said, in ancient Chinese Proverb, that an invisible Red Thread connects those of us destined to meet.
The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break.”
This show infuses asian-thematic material with raw power and emotion.
Exploring the concept of faith and destiny, the music and visual program beautifully stretch, tangle, and entertain.
Announcing their S36 show, In The Upper Room, featuring
"In The Upper Room" by Philip Glass & Twyla Tharp
This program explores the short but turbulent relationship between a man and a woman who live together. However, both suffer from addictions that lead this couple to their death in the end.
Announcing their S36 show, The Music of Igor Stravinsky.
• Rite of Spring
• Berceuse and Danse Infernale from The Firebird
• Finale from The Firebird
As always, have a great season and see you on the 50!
Don't forget to sign up for our shows.