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The Golden Knights....how!?
Okay... look at the high scores for division three drum corps.... The Golden Knights are almost 5 points ahead! How is that even possible?? Seriously, their score is higher than the highest score in Division two... is there something I'm missing here?
ppl dont practice like they suppose to......
Pride of Bethune
they didn't practice at all the first week so they got put into division three. but now they practice four times daily so that their energy is never maxed.
Favorite Composer: Richard Saucedo
Favorite Orchestrated piece: Motion (Brian Balmages)
Favorite Mainstream Piece: FireFlies (Owl City)

Well one thing I did exclusively for the last competition I had was use the money I had fundraised earlier to rank up my staff where my weaknesses were. Don't expect that to happen again any time soon because I am in the process of saving money, so the point gap may close. Not to mention that I believe they were the only group out of the top 5 or so in Division III that competed yesterday.