Should it be allowed to beef up your own league
April 23rd, 2014 1:03pm
Recently the issue of Fast Forward adding 12 accounts and adding them all to his league (Color Guard Association) The question that came up was " Was this allowed and is it right." I have decided to make it a forum to see what others think.
April 23rd, 2014 2:31pm
You are more than welcome to join CGA. Just leave your league & send an invite request.
Yours Truly,
Corps: Spectrum Force
Band: Full Spectrum
Guard: Light Spectrum
Drumline: Rythmic Spectrum
BoD for MAoMA and NWD
Founder of CGA
Director of FastForward, Inc.
April 23rd, 2014 3:27pm
It's not against the rules.. but I personally think it's kind of shady and should be looked down upon. Just like buying your way to 1st, accepting only high influence groups to shows, and using spreadsheets to calculate how to win.
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
April 23rd, 2014 3:29pm
You are more than welcome to join CGA. Just send an invite request.
Yours Truly,
Corps: Spectrum Force
Band: Full Spectrum
Guard: Light Spectrum
Drumline: Rythmic Spectrum
BoD for MAoMA and NWD
Founder of CGA
Director of FastForward, Inc.
April 23rd, 2014 3:34pm
Previous seasons were won by buying additional rehearsal energy & that did not seem to be looked down upon in general (As it was part of the game set-up). Additionally, only accepting high influence &/or league members left the non-circle of friendship groups to have to struggle to compete or campaign for extended seasons while other groups benefited from colusion type tactics.
GCurrier & others are only upset that they will not be able to continue their domination of FMA. The window of opportunity is closing on CLASS & it is about time.
Corps: Spectrum Force
Band: Full Spectrum
Guard: Light Spectrum
Drumline: Rythmic Spectrum
BoD for MAoMA and NWD
Founder of CGA
Director of FastForward, Inc.
April 23rd, 2014 3:59pm
Close the window then. Do it. Try. It can be done but nobody steps up and does it. At least not often.
Class has held top 4 at finals 2 seasons in a row.
Winners of 6 straight Championships.
11 of the last 12 seasons? (GCurrier-verify?)
Doesn't look to change this season. Maybe next? How long will it take for CLASS to fall?
FMA *Hall of Fame*
CLASS Board of Directors
Carolina Royals - 16X Division 1 World Champions (DC)
April 23rd, 2014 4:08pm
I would just like to point out that buying points was incredibly controversial when it was happening. There is a reason it's not possible to do it any longer. Not sure where you got the idea that it wasn't looked down upon.
Also, I don't see where you get the idea that gcurrier and others are upset about not being able to continue our dominance of FMA. There are always people who think they can loophole their way to the top over the players who have traditionally dominated the game - and they are always wrong.
***FMA Hall of Fame***
8x DC Gold 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
9x DL Gold 116, 118-119, 121-122, 124-127
12x MB Gold 28-30, 46, 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
25x CG Gold 28-30, 36, 45-48, 53-54, 69, 88
April 23rd, 2014 6:03pm
11 of the last 12 is correct
I think its ironic that any time a CLASS corps or myself suggest something, we suddenly get slammed with the "we just want to rule the world" label which is such a joke it shows how little one knows of either history! If someone just looks at scores fine, I would accept someone having that short witted idea. However anyone who is active in forums or been around longer than a hot minute would have a harder time defending that opinion. Have we dominated the game, yes and in turn are serious contenders drawn to us to be part of the in league rivalry, yes. However we have done more than our fair share to work to make FMA and other fantasy leagues better, not better for us, better for everyone. It was two CLASS corps who this season offered to attend "corps in need" shows. Not CLASS shows but anyone who was under a certain influence currently and I look to do it again. These leagues you cling to so tightly wouldn't exist without NEC (which became CLASS) pushing for that change so groups could work together to make each other stronger. Yes I bought points (during the period that you could) and even worked to demonstrate why it was a bad idea (I still on occasion purchase the supporter level even though it does nothing to little to help me now in order to support FMA and keep it going). CLASS corps supported that going away. CLASS corps supported increasing the points to 600 in order to help new groups not needing to login so often (it used to be 400 which for the most part I still follow). Little is said about our support of new corps or even rival leagues. Read a little and you can easily tell we have been very supportive of MAoMA working with Strad and Kmarti (I am sure that was somehow just for our benefit). Unspecified was for awhile our fiercest competitor and yet I consider Chris to be a friend and great competitor. We didnt work to get rid of them, we only welcomed their members when unfortunately the league became inactive. The league ending in essence was a loss for FMA, but not at our doing or desire.
CLASS started in FDCI in 1996!!! thats how long our organization and I have worked with fantasy arts to make it better. We started to fight some over the top banter and bullying and to create a competitive, friendly and uplifting environment. We then moved to DCPI where we remain strong today, not because we are the only league or even the most dominant, but because we have a STRONG history of competition with our friends at FANFARE! We Work together to make DCPI stronger. Finally we moved to FMA when NEC no longer fit our needs as we wanted to be more than regional. we have striven to be the best of the best and shame on us for succeeding but we have worked to make everyone the best they can be right along with us. We have also worked hard to get others involved across fantasy leagues. I will enthusiastically lift up (cyberly) the first MAoMA director to beat us because they have handled themselves as a class act for the most part as well (especially in leadership). We thrive on the idea of a mixed finals, we are far from afraid of it.
So until the day that someone can stand up with the history on AND OFF the field that we have had, I laugh at anyone that says CLASS is only about its own self interests. Take a look in the mirror, or better yet the trophy when you finally take it from us...
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE
Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
April 23rd, 2014 7:05pm
Your reply makes me incredibly happy. Speaking for anyone on this site, Thanks for the support! :)
12 years later
April 23rd, 2014 7:18pm
It is good to see that you have been helpful gcurrier. Nice to read about your history as well. I was only replying to the initial poster having an issue with multiple accounts under one league. It is also interesting that you put forth the idea of rewarding high placing groups with an Influence boost. As Cire mentioned, that would only help the strong get stronger while not having to weigh immediate score gratification with the reality of delayed score gratification that is required by campaigning.
As the game states, it is up to each Director to decide how they want to develop & grow their FMA groups.
Best of luck to all groups.
Corps: Spectrum Force
Band: Full Spectrum
Guard: Light Spectrum
Drumline: Rythmic Spectrum
BoD for MAoMA and NWD
Founder of CGA
Director of FastForward, Inc.
April 23rd, 2014 7:32pm
FF, I like the idea of a influence boost for placing well. I think it would be one of the most realistic parts of the game if implemented in the correct way. I mean just look at Carolina. Now that they have won, what do you think is going to happen? More recruits, and better recruits due to a larger sample size of potential members. What would happen if say, Pacific Crest, were to suddenly pull off a top 6 finish? They would get much more recognition very quickly!
12 years later
April 23rd, 2014 7:41pm
And you apparently didn't read where once again I was looking to use that influence. To be honest the change would benefit my corps personally very little, it just seems logical to move the game more toward that realistic middle. After all I'm "middle of the pack" influence wise, but have plenty of titles including the last two. I'm sure by the time some of these high influence corps get to the point they could contend, they will have already stopped playing.
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE
Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
April 23rd, 2014 7:43pm
Agreed Strad which remains my main point. I know your just agreeing though so you and MAoMA can take over all of FMA! :-)
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE
Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
April 23rd, 2014 7:44pm
ssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh! hahaha jk jk x)
12 years later
April 23rd, 2014 7:45pm
Just for the record I believe Cire also disagreed with the 600 point increase as it would only benefit the most powerful corps at that time. While it certainly hasn't killed off some, it has benefited the game and many new members.
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE
Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
April 23rd, 2014 8:25pm
I think it just made the game easier for everyone. I still think the Div 1 groups should be at a 400 cap
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
April 23rd, 2014 9:35pm
He is now up to 18 accounts
April 23rd, 2014 9:43pm
25 I think. And they're not new. Been around for a while now.
FMA *Hall of Fame*
CLASS Board of Directors
Carolina Royals - 16X Division 1 World Champions (DC)
April 23rd, 2014 10:51pm
Focus on your group & I will focus on mine (Comes a whisper from the shadows).
Good luck to all groups !!!
April 24th, 2014 12:06am
A few notes:
The 600 boost helped groups like me the most. The ones who were traditionally 6th-10th. Gave us the boost we needed to compete.
The big problem with the purchased boost was when members of KMEA literally spent hundreds to have 10+ point boosts over a day or two. That's how it died.
My opinion on farm accounts. Dumb. You can win without them. See Leviathan.
Spreadsheets, however, I have no problem with. I use spreadsheets to play fantasy football. Granted I don't use them here, but I think that's fair game.
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.