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FBOA St Louis review
What a great show last night in all 3 divisions!

In Division III Platinum Regiment keeps eating up the competition with their show "What If?" Well what if they took division III by storm, because currently they are doing just that! While they are firmly in the catbird seat, they can miss a beat with GHS right behind them in second both last night and on the leader board with their very different approach and less serious Pep Band show. The straight forward style of Platinum is giving them an edge GE and ensemble wise with a very legit band show. GHS comes right back with very strong performance in visual, brass and percussion, literally destroying the entire field in the last two captions. Guard remained the very tight spot with Platinum still edging GHS out. These two will be going caption for caption until the end!

In Division II Onachus fresh of their inaugural season Division III World Championship isnt missing a beat much as expected. The band actually would have taken the Division II championship last season and they quickly rose to the top this season having started considerably back. however much like Platinum, there is still room for improvement in their GE and ensemble heavy show, Where the World Ends. The competition tonight came from Durham Jazz (listed as Dragons on rankings) and Aspen Marching Band who are 3rd and and 4th in the world as well. While where the world ends is far from a "friendly crowd thrilling piece" Time Warp by Durham Jazz and Snow Ride by Aspen tend to be much more crowd pleasing. This is perhaps where the two gain on Onachus with the performance categories, though it was Kentucky Massie who grabbed most of the performance categories with the second pep show of the night!

Division I was owned by the Marching Knights who came back strong after a much needed rest! Their PassioKnight show is nothing short of riveting and very emotionally connected with the crowd who loves a good story. The bands weak point currently is performance especially in brass solidly won by Incognito Elites with their 1492 show (3rd). Hoosier Marching 100 also has a very passionate show (in more ways then one) with Bring on The Spring Time! The band really turns it up a notch in percussion, visual and guard! A nice show/band to also keep your eye on-St Paddys Catholic who presented and now a break from your regularly scheduled show.

What a treat to have all three top bands in each division at tonights show with very different presentations but strength in each, especially in GE. As we are about the half way mark I am eager to see how FBOA progresses the rest of the season.

Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
That was a very good write up! The Platinum Regiment was excited to compete on home turf in St. Louis! ;)
Damn straight I won brass :P
12 years later
I agree St. Paddy also turned it up for the home crowd. Now I wanna see how many of the FBOA actually played in their hometowns this season.

Also St Paddy's Music Ens, Visual Ens, and Music GE was second best at the show. This is really looking like the best year ever for them.
Ivory Brigade