August 28th, 2014 3:30am
How much one rehearses doesn’t always determine how well he or she will do. I rehearsed my groups’ butts off last season every six hours, but I didn't win a medal. I'll rehearse every six hours this season, but I surely won’t beat someone whose groups are fully staffed and upgraded.
Furthermore, I like the week-long break from competition between seasons, but preseason should not determine divisions. People sometimes can’t rehearse or purposely don’t rehearse during the preseason, which increases their chances of being placed in a lower division; that doesn't seem like an accurate determination of which division they belong. If there must be a preseason, it only should be for campaigning and event planning. Any rehearsal points gained during preseason should be erased and restarted at the beginning of competition. On the first day of competition, divisions should be assigned and determined exclusively on staff, skill points, money, and how many points one can add to captions at the start of the season; that seems like a better way of determining someone’s playing ability and in which division he or she belongs.
Moreover, if someone wins a medal in the previous season, he or she should be automatically promoted to the next division, for instance, division 3 to division 2, not division 3 to division 1. There is still a chance that he or she may be demoted again after the season in the higher division if he or she meets the criteria to be in the lower division.
Let's say that someone is inactive or starts late. Everyone, regardless if he or she has auditioned groups, should be given a division at the start of each season, to keep people from joining and being inaccurately placed. Level 20 directors shouldn't be competing against level 60 directors, just because the level 60 director was inactive in prior seasons or campaigning. If one has rehearsed enough to earn that level, and let's face it, it takes much rehearsal time and experience to reach level 60, he or she should be competing against those of the same level.
The flaw in the division placement isn't just about someone rehearsing more than someone else. Two people can rehearse the same and still be on totally different playing fields.