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@Pandora1 People are probably pretty well-staffed, may have held off competing seriously for a few seasons to fundraise (something I'll probably do so I can be competitive again). Gaps can be closed; I jumped up about 30 points and took 2nd over the course of a season. Just takes a lot of dedication to use all your energy effectively.

Unsure of the algorithms Alex has in place to determine division placement, but it's probably working as intended.
Sapphire Sound - Div. I Drum Corps
Sapphire Sound Cadets - Div. I Marching Band
2x Drum Corps Medalist (S2 Div 1 Champions)
2x Marching Band Medalist (S2 Div 3 Champions)
Most of the CAMAs will fall they tend to only gain around .3 to .5 a day. At least that was how they were in Div. I. As for me I'm surprised I ended up in Div. 2 again, but I did miss almost all of preseason. My staff are the only reason why I'm so close to 70. It helps that my Corps staff are all level 20. It used to be around 85-88 would win you the gold in Div. 2.

Since it is only your second season I would aim more for placing in the top 15 which is pretty easy to do.
Ivory Brigade
I understand. Everyone starts at the bottom, and many have been playing much longer than I have. It's just discouraging, because I don't belong in division 2. I don't mean that it's only fun to win, but I at least would like to be a contender. The only way to be a contender for a medal is to not play and hope for the division that you can be one. Last season, I was pleased to be a Div 3 finalist, regardless of placement."Twas a good start but I was hoping to go for a medal this season. (Who wasn't?) Imagine my surprise when I saw my groups in Div 2. Good for the league, but not so good for me (LOL). anyway, I'll shut up now.
Your staff members are level 20?! Crikey! Fundraising might be in order for me too lol
If I would have started during preseason my group is usually a contender for Div. 1 finals so it really is kinda unfair that I'm in Div. 2 this season.
Ivory Brigade
"Screw you guys. I'm going home" lol I'm debating whether I want to pack up and quit the tour this season. hmmmmm
Just think this way if you can maintain your 1.2 points a day you would gain 40 points. Even if you slid down to .9 points a day that is 28.8 points gained by finals. So you would end around 83 points. And that was good for finals last season.
Ivory Brigade
Yeah and I dont want to be a quitter. It's just a game. maybe after 10 more seasons I'll win a medal lol
you could do it in 2 or 3! Just keep up the activity and use good strategy when hosting shows!
12 years later
You cant accept the feeling that "it cant be done". I started my B groups to prove that it can be--you just have to work for it. A LOT. season 32 Onachus (yes its marching band not drum corps but it works pretty much the same) had to gain 32.6 points from their starting point to WIN division III. First season--first practice not until preseason begain. They also jumped up to Division II the very next season. They got 3rd at their first show which was really what seemed like an insurmountable 20th. we had to repeat and again gain about 32 points to scratch and claw our way to the top and win Division II. Yes you are up against a great player this season in Division II, but it can happen. So many of the people ahead of you now will either not play much (gain 5-10 points total by finals) or not consistently (10-20). If you go at it consistently (forget fundraising--PRACTICE within the 6 hours ALWAYS) you will be close to the 30 point gains. Also focus where the bigger prizes are early on as far as what you practice---I always went after a "well balanced group" but honestly, not always best approach. Make challenges for yourself. Onachus in essence took off last season to fundraise since they moved to Division I after winning 3 division II in a row--but this season I am working them. They may be in 27th right now---but that doesnt stop me from shooting for top 12--or at least a semi-finals spot!

take it or leave it--but thats my advice. Believe it CAN BE DONE if your willing to put up what is required!
CLASS Member and Knight Org Family
Leviathan-1X Div I 1X Div II Drum Corps Champ
Onachus-3X Div II 1X Div III Band Champ
Tarasque-2X Div II 1X Div III Guard Champ
Kraken-1X Div II 1X Div III Drum
Yeah I'm an inconsistent rehearser so I tend to gain between 18-23 points a season.
Ivory Brigade
finalfantasy i don't like losing either like i usually win in this game then bam im in D1 lol im almost bringing up the rear of the entire division

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein
lol Jhawk 20 points would be pretty damn good for me! xD
12 years later
It's almost like the divisions should be split up more but how often you can or will practice. Maybe you choose how often you want to practice. Every six hours you get more points in division 1 but you don't get more til you use them. Every 10 hours in division 2 and every 24 hours in division 3, that way each level of player has a place. I do feel bad sometimes that people who don't have the ability or maybe desire to be as dedicated as you need to be to be top level have no way to win in their own way. This would kind of fit with the schedule of real drum corps as world class puts way more time in then open or the old a class.
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
How much one rehearses doesn’t always determine how well he or she will do. I rehearsed my groups’ butts off last season every six hours, but I didn't win a medal. I'll rehearse every six hours this season, but I surely won’t beat someone whose groups are fully staffed and upgraded.

Furthermore, I like the week-long break from competition between seasons, but preseason should not determine divisions. People sometimes can’t rehearse or purposely don’t rehearse during the preseason, which increases their chances of being placed in a lower division; that doesn't seem like an accurate determination of which division they belong. If there must be a preseason, it only should be for campaigning and event planning. Any rehearsal points gained during preseason should be erased and restarted at the beginning of competition. On the first day of competition, divisions should be assigned and determined exclusively on staff, skill points, money, and how many points one can add to captions at the start of the season; that seems like a better way of determining someone’s playing ability and in which division he or she belongs.

Moreover, if someone wins a medal in the previous season, he or she should be automatically promoted to the next division, for instance, division 3 to division 2, not division 3 to division 1. There is still a chance that he or she may be demoted again after the season in the higher division if he or she meets the criteria to be in the lower division.

Let's say that someone is inactive or starts late. Everyone, regardless if he or she has auditioned groups, should be given a division at the start of each season, to keep people from joining and being inaccurately placed. Level 20 directors shouldn't be competing against level 60 directors, just because the level 60 director was inactive in prior seasons or campaigning. If one has rehearsed enough to earn that level, and let's face it, it takes much rehearsal time and experience to reach level 60, he or she should be competing against those of the same level.

The flaw in the division placement isn't just about someone rehearsing more than someone else. Two people can rehearse the same and still be on totally different playing fields.
You should definitely be able to rehearse during preseason... That'd be like not learning the show before your first competition! IRL there is a lot of rehearsing that occurs before the first competition. I do agree that division should not be based on rehearsal time during preseason. I mean It doesn't matter how much I rehearse anymore because my staff are all at least level 22 or 23, so I am Division 1 no matter what I do lol. Plus I have over 80k influence on all my groups.
12 years later
well i dont know how its possible that my B groups started over fresh with no money, no influence, no anything just like you did Final Fantasy--rehearsed ever six hours just like you said you did and yet won versus not medaling--something simply doesn't add up...i suppose different season against different groups--maybe I had "easy" seasons but sure doent seem like it...everyone claims that its all about staff--but i can tell you--its not about staff nearly as much as everyone thinks--it gives you an early boost, but you still have to hold it!
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
oh and dont NOT practice in the pre-season!!

sent you an analysis of what I saw for you last season LOL free consultation I guess solicited or not--sorry if I butted in unwanted but i love to see PASSIONATE players SUCCEED!
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
@Strad... I don't have a problem with preseason rehearsals. I have a problem with how the divisions are assigned and how rehearsals are a factor of division placement, as if we're all on the same playing level. Divisions should be assigned to everyone on the first day of preseason based on his or her current levels, for instance, staff, influence, director level, etc. Yeah, I know that high influence doesn't always mean that someone will be competitive, but it certainly helps. If I only get 300 points to add at the beginning of the season and someone else gets 6000 points to play with and rehearses as much as I do, I'm screwed.

@gcurrier... Thanks for the message in my inbox. I appreciate the advice.

Furthermore, I never claimed that it's "all about staff." There are certainly other factors at play, but staff certainly gives someone whose maxed out an advantage, especially an advantage over someone like me who has only competed for one full season. You can't deny and dismiss that staff levels, skill points, and influence don't enhance a player's chance of winning. Of course, some people DO maintain their monstrous leads!!! Thus, there still lies the potential of putting others at a disadvantage.

You hardly can compare your first seasons to mine :) You've been playing since season 1. Everyone was still in beginning stages when you started. Last season, it wasn't too difficult to become a finalist in division 3. Most everyone was relatively new to the game; thus, we were all pretty much on an equal playing field. I was okay with not winning a medal. I believed, I would have a second chance to compete in division 3. Now I'm in division 2 competing against people who have been playing for several seasons with more experience and time to build up their monstrous leads. I can rehearse until the cows come home, but there is no chance that I'll be a contender unless these players just stop rehearsing (fat chance :) If I'm in division 2 because I rehearsed in the preseason, how is it a fair representation of my strength as a competitor?
It took me 4 seasons to really be able to compete in Div. 2 myself. I agree with the comment that divisions should be set at the start of pre-season. My groups have no business being in Div. 2.
Ivory Brigade