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IIEA Final Report
I regret to inform FMA that the IIEA will not be returning in the near future to the circuit. The time commitment required for this league is too great for me to run it as I want it to be run and successfully completely class work. I am grateful for the members that have been with the IIEA since its beginning and those that hoped to see it return to its status as one of the best leagues on FMA. I hope that all of IIEA's members find a new league that will be able to cater to their needs and help them grow.

I hope that one day the IIEA may return, but until then I wish everyone a great season and great seasons to come.

Thank you,
IIEA Director
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
Awww well good luck in your classes. I only know too well sometimes real life takes priority.
Ivory Brigade