February 27th, 2014 8:58pm
The rules will be the same as last season. Though the formula I'm going to be using is slightly different. So maybe this time Cire won't break it.
1. You have 1000 points to put into your categories
Drum Majors
2. You must use a real song or piece of music for your parade piece. Only ONE song.
3. You must check in on this topic on Thursday or Friday of preseason.
4. NO B accounts (I know some of your B accounts so this will mostly be on the Honor System)
5. Going over points is considered Incomplete (You are allowed to go under points)
6. All Divisions compete together just because you are good at field shows does not mean you are good at parades.
7. Winner gets bragging rights. 1 Drum Corps winner and 1 Marching Band winner.
This is the format for submitting your application for the event.
Groups name: Ivory Brigade
Music: Amazing Grace
Winds: 166
Pecussion: 166
Colorguard: 167
Lines: 167
Music: 167
Drum Majors: 167
Total points used: 1000
If you go over in points it will result as a incomplete application. I will give one message back saying you are over limit and it will be up to you to fix it.
Last season's champions
Drum Corps: Blue Deviled Eggs
Marching Band: Marching Knights