December 25th, 2014 12:58am
Hey, the announcement is public, right? Therefore, I posted my response to it publicly, and I wasn't going to go there but here it goes. FF has several things to do with it.
1) I have no doubt that he's the one who added me to the announcement and thought it was necessary to point out that I "left for Fame," because he is the only one who constantly openly scrutinizes which members come and go and where they go. It's not a shame to leave a league after a few seasons and try another one, but he acts like it is and likes to call people league hoppers. It's not a requirement that I give notice, either. I don't appreciate my leaving being called out in the announcements. I shouldn't even be in MaoMa's announcements in the first place. I'm NOT a member anymore and haven't been for over a month!
2) I left the league, because I can't stand his know it all attitude and that he consistently tries to point out flaws in other players and leagues in the forum and share his unwanted opinions and advice about how he thinks people should play the game. He's not focused on the success of MaoMa or its members. It's all about FF. Instead of trying to point out flaws in other players and other leagues, he should focus on keeping Maoma afloat, because out of 162 members, only a handful actually play the game.
3) FF claims that he is reaches out to players in MaoMa which is totally bs. I never received a message from anyone on the board. He's full of it and I refuse to be in a league with him. It's bad enough I can't block him. He's an attention seeker and most of what he posts is negative and annoying but it's all occurring in other leagues' threads to cast a negative light on other leagues. Is it difficult for him to stomach another league doing better than MaoMa? He's an unethical player and a disgrace to Maoma as a board member.