February 17th, 2014 12:35pm
If someone beats you then they are better than you on that day, in that game.
They may not be statistically better than you, but in the end the only thing that matters is the score at that final buzzer. You can't say "alright team, we got our asses handed to us, but at least we are the better team" If you are the better team then you should have won.
And I mean that in sports or any competitive activity in general. Tiger Woods goes out in a tournament ranked #1 but places 5th.. is he still the better player? No, not at that tournament.. maybe overall. Part of being better is rising to the challenge and winning when you should win... and when you shouldn't.
A group might be better overall, but in 1 game if they lose... they are not the better team. and no, that's not me trying to be a dick or put your team down Nakoda.. that's just how the world works.