So this just happened at my school
January 30th, 2014 7:03am
Social Studies teacher if I remember right.
Ivory Brigade
January 30th, 2014 7:42am
Yeah I thought she said something like that on the thread about that crap username
12 years later
January 30th, 2014 10:29am
Idk how I am! I can tell if a note is wrong and out of tune but I can't tell you if it's sharp or flat. And if you were to play a note, I most likely couldn't tell you what note it was. And I was suppose to be a social studies teacher. :p
Alohomora Arts
Order of the Phoenix - Div I DC - ICE - Founder
Dumbledore's Army - Div I MB
Veela's - Div I CG - FLAG - Founder
Death Eaters - Div I DL - DRUMS BoD
January 30th, 2014 4:04pm
Lol I have relatively awesome pitch. Like I do relative tuning when I play in band. It makes chords sound a lot better. Oh and I can tell you what an interval is if you play it. Up or done. Just it has to be within an ovtave is all. Still in the process of training my ear to hear those bigger intervals
12 years later
January 30th, 2014 6:56pm
how can you do that when you suck at spelling?
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
January 30th, 2014 8:50pm
I honestly don't know xD it's a trade off I guess lol
12 years later
February 2nd, 2014 1:55pm
bet you don't haave PERFECT pitch
"*slowly strips off your clothes.*" - Cire
Kiowa's 2nd account.
#Louisville #Cardinals #L1C4
February 2nd, 2014 9:01pm
Lol nah I'm not THATpro xD
12 years later
February 2nd, 2014 9:22pm
bet you can't circular breath either!
"*slowly strips off your clothes.*" - Cire
Kiowa's 2nd account.
#Louisville #Cardinals #L1C4
February 2nd, 2014 9:55pm
I can circular breath it isn't too hard to do on tuba, but I look really funny doing it. I can also Whistle and hum at the same time.
Ivory Brigade
February 3rd, 2014 9:35am
I can do multiphonics on any instrument but can't circular breath. I can whistle and hum at the same time too! its so weird xD
12 years later
February 3rd, 2014 11:09am
We had a contra player in 98 that could do the entire F tuning by himself. he was pretty awesome. I think he won I&E on tuba in 97. In fact 5 of our 10 contras in 98 were the top 5 contras in I&E from 97.
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
February 3rd, 2014 12:20pm
lol damn
12 years later
February 3rd, 2014 1:00pm
Corps: Spectrum Force
Band: Full Spectrum
Guard: Light Spectrum
Drumline: Rythmic Spectrum
BoD for MAoMA and NWD
Founder of CGA
Director of FastForward, Inc.