July 16th, 2010 8:55pm
Possible explanation:
-You joined Wednesday of Pre-season week. This already puts you about 2.5 days behind everyone else. Now, you are in Division 2, which is full of people who spent less time during pre-season, but less time is less experience, which his less level.
-Your drum corps is in 19th place in division 2. I took a look at both the corps above and below you. They each also have director level 5. This means you guys must be spending the same amount of points for rehearsal and leveling up in general.
-You are in division 2. Divisions were based upon the amount of time during the day spent playing the game. It is expected that division 2 bands are capping their energy more often and "wasting" some by not logging on in time, or spending more energy on campaigns, thus lessening how often they come on. Both of these lead to less exp, and a lower director level.
The only explanation is that the people who are "double your level" are using every last ounce of exp they get. They come on and exactly the right time so no energy goes to waste. Additionally, they likely invest very little in campaigns, leaving more for leveling up. Don't worry about the people way ahead of you. They will move into division 1 next season. Worry about the people right along side of you, and getting better than them. According to the rankings, you fall right in line with them. =)