February 17th, 2014 11:14pm
You know what's sad. The art of trolling is done by sad little people that are mad at the world for some reason or another. They think they are better than their current position and other people should recognize them for that. The only problem with that is that because they think they are better they do not do what they are supposed to and therefore always stay in the same position.
Let me guess. You were picked on a lot in school. You didn't have many friends and the ones that you do consider friends aren't close friends. You get Bs and Cs in school because you believe that it is underneath you to do all of the work because you know it already and feel you don't need to show that you know it. It is beneath you to follow the crowd because you think that it is "following the heard" and you are better than the heard.
You will probly end up at some college where you will do mediocre at until you realize that real life is not what you thought it would be working some crappy job that you don't enjoy which in turn makes you come back to the internet to be a tough guy trying to make yourself seem important to feed your ego. As long as you can find someone you can upset or make them seem dumb it will increase your self worth enough for you to continue on in your meaningless existence until you find your "true calling" as some important person in the world which will never happen.
Learn right now the only way that you can succeed in life is not putting people down or trying to prove you are superior, but rather learning how to work together with people in order to achieve your desires.
It's not too late you can change.