October 17th, 2010 1:45pm
More Thoughts....
Broken Arrow finished 1st.... 2 points above Carmel! There has been a video of Broken Arrow's show (in exhibition) on Youtube, and it was pretty lacking I must say. I honestly enjoyed the show. That's true, but when you live it up to the past years (09,06, 08, etc.) it's lacking.
HOWEVER, I heard from a reliable source that the flags used were past years, (I can only guess that they used the actual flags for the STL) and the last movement will be kicked it up quite a bit.
Union finished a few points behind Carmel. Possible finalist?
PCEP finished somewhere around 4 points behind Union. So much for redemption at GNs.
Kennesaw Mountain's show (in exhibition) is on Youtube now, and it's dark. It's a pretty exciting show, and they would make the finals on this. However, going as far as saying they'll win it isn't really what I had in mind.