December 23rd, 2013 6:40pm
Such great ideas lol
Maybe it could be just a separate page? Like you would have a rivalry, and there would be a link on either league page that would bring you to "Rivalry Standings." It would list the overall standings of the scores of all the active members that season. It would have their league name next to the group name and would look kinda like the statistics page. Then, there would be another option next to all the other caption scores (you know what I mean, the buttons you click to compare wind scores, percussion scores, GE scores, etc etc...) that would be called "Average Score." This would have two blown up numbers (like big on the screen) of the average score of all the members from one league and the other.
Here is an example of what it would look like for the top 6 from each league (I don't have time to do almost 75 groups and average them all):
CLASS 80.44 MAoMA: 72.68
Overall Standings:
1. Nemesis.......................CLASS......83.150
2. Lexington Legends......CLASS......81.405
3. Carolina Royals...........CLASS......81.100
4. Corps IBEX..................CLASS......79.595
5. Chipley Vanguard........CLASS......79.265
6. Leviathan.....................CLASS......78.125
7. Incognito Brass............MAoMA......77.960
8. Hoosier Regiment........MAoMA......73.705
9. Hornets........................MAoMA......71.710
10. Spirit of Sunnyvale.......MAoMA......71.380
11. Spectrum Force...........MAoMA......70.905
12. Sigma Regiment...........MAoMA......67.945