Chat Room 3.0
January 9th, 2014 6:18am
Model UN seems like it will be pretty fun. The only bad part is, the conference next weekend is in Michigan. I have a feeling it will be unbearably cold.
January 9th, 2014 7:16am
kaitlyn you following me!?
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein
January 9th, 2014 12:03pm
Totally haha. Nah this has been in the works for some time now. Hopefully it's a permanent move
Alohomora Arts
Order of the Phoenix - Div I DC - ICE - Founder
Dumbledore's Army - Div I MB
Veela's - Div I CG - FLAG - Founder
Death Eaters - Div I DL - DRUMS BoD
January 9th, 2014 2:26pm
gosh im having a bad day....first i jammed my finger had to get it taped which cut of circulation. then went to get me some freaking candy from the freaking vending machine i tried 5 different items all of them got stuck who is the idiot who put them in the wrong way and the stupid hotel staff doesn't have the key to give me my 6 dollars back! But im the idiot who kept trying and trying. THEN i went to use the restroom at our practice site has motion sensor lights well they friggn work but as soon as i pop a squat on the toilet they turned off so i screamed and screamed til coach came to my rescue. it was pitch black lol i couldn't seeeeeeee
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein
January 9th, 2014 9:09pm
12 years later
January 9th, 2014 9:22pm
lol the lights going out on me in the bathroom was the worst you think oh hey i can have a nice me time for a few seconds and BAM darkness
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein
January 9th, 2014 10:09pm
Did you automatically hear a chainsaw?
Ivory Brigade
January 9th, 2014 10:11pm
no lol but i was anticipating it! i screamed like i do when i have to take ice baths no one came for a long time i was to scared to move i didn't want to trip and die
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein
January 9th, 2014 10:47pm
lol wow.... just a big wow....
Founder RPGs, RSCGs. BoD IAoIP
3 time bronze medalist
Season 31 Division3 MAoMA champion
January 10th, 2014 3:34am
We have a motion sensor light in our bathroom and sometimes it'll turn the lights off on you when you're taking a shower. Frustrating, yes, but not necessarily scary. lol
January 10th, 2014 3:43am
lol well this was pitch black and i didn't have my phone to light the way like light didn't even shine through the door so i didn't know what to do but scream lol
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein
January 10th, 2014 7:40am
lol I would have taken off a shoe and thrown it over the top toward the sensor xD
12 years later
January 10th, 2014 10:52am
lol i panicked and didn't think of that
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein
January 10th, 2014 4:42pm
This is probably tmi but once I was In a locked one person male/female bathroom when the Lights went out so I just got up ran to the light hit it and ran back lol it wasn't fun at all!
Drummerz #MYSNARE
January 10th, 2014 6:39pm
I just loled
12 years later
January 10th, 2014 7:53pm next subject
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein
January 10th, 2014 8:12pm
Hahaha!! Strad and I are at all county!
Founder RPGs, RSCGs. BoD IAoIP
3 time bronze medalist
Season 31 Division3 MAoMA champion
January 10th, 2014 11:05pm
And another long day tmoro for all county practice... night guys
12 years later
January 11th, 2014 12:06am
Hey guys, wish me luck tomorrow! I have an important audition to see if I make All-State or not :P
Wrightown Raiders
Wrightown HS
Enigma Indoor Guard
Soviet Percussians
January 11th, 2014 12:10am
I got to audition for All-Virginia my senior year. Good times. Play well!
***FMA Hall of Fame***
8x DC Gold 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
9x DL Gold 116, 118-119, 121-122, 124-127
12x MB Gold 28-30, 46, 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
25x CG Gold 28-30, 36, 45-48, 53-54, 69, 88