January 24th, 2014 4:26am
I might be a bit biased in saying this, but I think Vanguard has a good shot. Probably not of taking the gold. BD and Cadets are the 2 most consistently outstanding corps out there. But they have a shot at medaling. Crown's show last year was incredible. I don't like Crown, at all. But after watching all of the videos of their 2013 finals performance, it's one of the most difficult shows I've ever seen and it was executed beautifully. That being said, Crown has a lot to live up to now and bandwagoners will probably be shifting their love to Bluecoats. Crown might (I hope they don't) go the route of Phantom and tank this year or stay in the top 5, but Vanguard should be medaling this year.
I'd also like to add that I hope Cavies gets it in gear this year. But not enough to get them ahead of Vanguard ;p
PS. I'm a huge Vanguard fan so this statement contains plenty of bias.