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Anyone interested in doing a music collab with me?
I've been starting to write out parts to a cool little adventure-type score, and I thought about going to the wonderful FMA community to see if anyone wants to help me write the rest of the score. Being a saxophone player, I started with the alto and bari parts. Anyone up to helping me write the rest?
The awaited arrival of a Division 2 Indians team
Approx. how long is it?
Wrightown Raiders
Wrightown HS
Enigma Indoor Guard
Soviet Percussians
Not sure yet, I'm still writing it. Right now, I'm at about measure 72.
The awaited arrival of a Division 2 Indians team
Hmm...I'm not exactly sure how much prowess my writing has. I could attempt to, I suppose, but you probably want a more experienced writer.
Wrightown Raiders
Wrightown HS
Enigma Indoor Guard
Soviet Percussians
I'd be best at writing percussion parts, being a percussionist
Wrightown Raiders
Wrightown HS
Enigma Indoor Guard
Soviet Percussians
Alright, what kind of notation software do we have?
The awaited arrival of a Division 2 Indians team
Yeah, that would be why I'm inexperienced...all I have is Finale Notepad from ages ago
Wrightown Raiders
Wrightown HS
Enigma Indoor Guard
Soviet Percussians
12 years later
That's cool. I'd suggest learning MuseScore, because that's what I'll be using.
The awaited arrival of a Division 2 Indians team
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The awaited arrival of a Division 2 Indians team
The awaited arrival of a Division 2 Indians team