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Points cap was also set at 400 instead of 600 back when I started out. Comparing pure scores from Season 8 to Season 28 is difficult if not impossible because of that.

For example, my drum line (in typically the lowest scoring circuit) scored four or five points higher in Season 21 (their first season) than my drum corps did in Season 8 (their first season).
***FMA Hall of Fame***
8x DC Gold 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
9x DL Gold 116, 118-119, 121-122, 124-127
12x MB Gold 28-30, 46, 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
25x CG Gold 28-30, 36, 45-48, 53-54, 69, 88
So many good arguments. I'm just gonna summarize, due to the changes to the game, you now need a mix of everything to be successful until you hit d1. In which you need strong everything to win.
12 years later

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein
The 400 to 600 change was huge for me. I was a middle rounder and that's who it benefited the most. The people who were winning were already using all their energy. The change made it possible for me to match that. And I had one of the best staffs in the game.
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.
Same for me it just happened later lol
12 years later
HAHA! I'm now in FORTY-SIXTH in D2!!! Watch out! Here we come!


PS Note to my staff: Sell more cheese & sausage.

only 46? lol

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein
Last night's game was awfuuuul omg i'm surprised we won with my teams defense

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein
Who did you play? And just looked up your stats Kiowa, Hall of Famer in high school, eh?
12 years later
Quinnipiac our defense was just gross

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein
lol my school's basketball teams are terrable. At least I get to root for Syracuse though!
12 years later
lol lame root for me

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein
I'm 7th in DIV II, Cawheat, and this is my third season in DIV II lol.
Blue Saints - 2009, snare
Pioneer - 2012, baritone (ageout)
Empire Statesmen - 2013, baritone
I start my secon job in the morning and I'm wide awake. I hate insomnia. :(
Alohomora Arts
Order of the Phoenix - Div I DC - ICE - Founder
Dumbledore's Army - Div I MB
Veela's - Div I CG - FLAG - Founder
Death Eaters - Div I DL - DRUMS BoD
I have chronic insomnia the shiz sucks

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein
I just ordered some manuka honey from New Zealand. Interested to know what it takes like--hope I didn't make a mistake by ordering the extra strong variety. Oh well.
That's that stuff my mom always used on my brothers for acne lol

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein
The Dove dish washing soap works wonders. WAY better than any of the expensive acne stuff out there.
12 years later
lol my mom used manuka honey and vitamin e (take a vitamin e pill cut it open and apply to areas needed) on my brothers us girls never got acne.

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein
Lucky :P And yeah I heard about that from a relative... Never tried it though lol
12 years later