October 28th, 2013 5:42pm
Why is there no "message all" option for league Directors/ Board member to write one PM, and have it hit all members, rather than to either write each one an individual message, OR write one message, then add each member individually to the recipient line?
Its a lot of work for a simple task.
Also It would be nice if there was an easy way to see in preseason if the group has actually actives themselves. All of the groups say N/A. how difficult would it be to label a group TBA once they've designed a show, and list them above the N/A groups?
Also I still think the create a show interface is incredibly clunky. particularly for directors. we all know you must add each show individually, without easily seeing what shows already exists, Or which shows you have already created. I have resorted to doing my schedule in iCal first, then transposing it over one at a time to the submit a show page. Every season for the last 6 (since taking over the league) I have made at least one mistake without a way to delete the show quickly and re-submit with the correct parameters. On top of that it takes me nearly an hour to do the entire 25 + show schedule. Its VERY tedious, and 15+ shows in you start losing track of dates/names/ticket cost.
I'd suggest from the league page instead of a list league calendar, a link to an actual calendar. showing what days there are shows scheduled. And if there isn't one already, add a show. if there is one, the ability to edit the show parameters Then submit the entire league schedule all at once.
On the member side of things, the add a show interface could easily show where the league has already submitted dates. (So as not to double up/pilfer other group's days) Click a day and have it automatically added to the league schedule rather than needing to add it manually
Now I realize all of this would be a lot of work for Alex to program alone. However the tedious nature of the web interface has caused more than one of my members to quit playing the game entirely. If we want to expand the user base and keep them, then the rules and interface shouldn't take 3-4 season to learn, and information about things like what day of the week is november 30, or how many groups a tier 3/4/5 show can host.
if an entire new interface is unrealistic at this point in time adding more information to the parameters would go a long way in making it harder to make a mistake.
Adding the days of the week to the date selection. Removing a date from the available days if there's already a show occupying it on the league sched. Adding # of groups at a show in each tier (that's way more useful than audience capacity). The ability to delete a show, and be refunded, if no one has joined and its less than an hour since creation.
Id be more than willing to help rewrite the game guide to be more detailed and clear, but I have no ability to code.
Im trying to find ways to retain users and improve experience here....thoughts?