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Hey everyone!

With Season 1 starting on one week, let's get some intros out of the way so we know who we're stacked up against. ;)

I direct the Glory Cadets, from Cleveland, OH. Our show this year is based off of a Christian rock band, Skillet, with some of their best hits being featured.

I'm all for community on a website like this, so introduce yourselves and let's get to know each other! Good luck to everyone this season!
I direct the Tullahoma Azure Force. Having won a silver and two Bronze medals in the previous circuit, the Azure Force has long been preparing for a transfer to Drum Corps. With a new circuit is a fresh start. The Azure Force is being replaced by the Tullahoma Azure Echo in the Marching band circuit and the Tullahoma City Spinners join the Tullahoma team with their winter guard. The Tullahoma Drum Machine riding the heels of their most recent first and only Championship (Being the first from Tullahoma to do so), are also ready to dig in.
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.
I direct Andromeda from Cleveland, OH as well. This is my first season ever, and my show is called Beyond the Stars. It's the story of astronauts preparing, and going into the space, exploring until they crash on an unknown planet. :D
I used more spacey-themed music for it. I'm hoping for a good first season(not in last anyway), and good luck to all! :)
Green Glory Drum and Bugle Corps hailing from a small town outside Cincinnati, Ohio called: Batavia. GG was originally part of FMA, and FML way back in the day. Due to funding and lack of interests, the Corps had to disband. They are hoping to make a MASSIVE comeback this season and blow everyone's heads off with a toast to the Classic Rock band, Boston.
Ryan T. Loveless
Dark Horse participated in both FMA and FDCP almost two years ago. The corps disbanded after a lack of interest. However the new FMA circuit is much improved and the corps is back and better than ever.

The Dark Horse Season 1 show is entitled "Spirits of Dark and Light" and features exclusively the music of composer Karl Jenkins. The guard will portray a story line of two armies of spirits (Dark and Light) fighting in opposition. However in the end the entire guard joins in a spectrum of color eliminating the harsh differences of Dark and Light.

The music is mostly pulled from Jenkin's "Requiem" and "In These Stones Horizons Sing", however quotes from "Palladio" and "Adiemus" are prevalent.
Sapphire Vanguard is now in its 16th season of existence. We weren't one of the best corps ni the first FMA (finalists four seasons out of fifteen), but we never fail to make our shows entertaining. Our program this season is entitled "The Crush" and it's an over-the-top love story about a guy who has a crush on a girl but the jealous villian tries to destroy him and take the girl for himself. We try to do all sorts of shows ranging from our current one to our straight forward no-nonsense show "Light" from season 10 (FMA 1.0) featuring the music of John Rutter.
Member of :
Imperial Regiment will be taking the field for their 10th season as a drum corps. With their show "Music of Ottorino Respighi," the corps will highlight some of Respighi's greatest works for an exciting show for all to enjoy.
Div. 1 Semifinalist x1
Div. 3 Silver x1, Semifinalist x1
The Dragon Rabbits from the city of Fontana in Southern California are excited to be competing in their first Drum Corp season. Their inaugural show is titled "Ravelations" and features the music of Maurice Ravel, opening with his "Toccata (Le Tombeau de Couperin)", then moving to "Pavane for a Dead Princess", and closing with "Bolero". We hope to have a good first season, and to learn and get better for future seasons!
Florida Vanguard from Tampa, Florida is competing in their 1st Drum Corps Season. Their Show is entitled, A Silver Voice, featuring Sinfonia Voci, Abram's Pursuit, Sanctus and Offeratory from Bernstein's Mass, and Easter Symphony. We hope to have a great first season, learn, and build from that.
If you are Scottish Law, then I am Mickey Mouse!
Darkness drum and bugle corps is proud to make it's 1st debut. Darkness specializes in dark, chilling programs, and uses all original music. Colors are Red, Black, and Grey.
DBC - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
MB - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
CG - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
DL - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
Nemesis is a former champion of the previous circuit and a finalist last season--we look forward to developing an even stronger corps in the new forum--this season we are performing Symphony #3 by Johan de Meij
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
The Wolves Drum and Bugle Corps, along with the rest of the ensembles from The Wolves Musical and Visual Arts Performance Academy, is based in Dacula, Georgia. This will be our 13th overall season, and first in FMA2.0. During the FMA1 days, we weren't not so successful as a full ensemble, never making it to finals(although coming close in a few cases) but our Guard and Percussion shone brightly throughout the years. We're hoping to continue that trend, as well as make some new ones for the entire corps. This season we're doing a show based off of music written for a band I was apart of(and still write for) a few years ago, called Evenflow. Excited to get this inaugural season for FMA2.0 started. Good luck to everybody.
Director of The Wolves Musical and Visual Arts, a non-profit based out of Dacula, Georgia

Former FMA Drum Corps staff writer.
The Midland Valley Redcoats is currently in its first year of existance founded for students who lack the marching arts in their high schools. The Midland Valley Redcoats colors consist of dark red, cream white, and gray. The first show introduced by the Redcoats is entitled, Fabrications of Terra Firma (Formations of The Earth). The show includes Robert W. Smith's Into The Storm, a dark arrangement to open the show and slowly leads into Reflections of Form, Light, and Sound. The percussion enters in with a big 36 measure drum break with Diablo's Canyon. The show slows down with Gone With The Wind (Tara's Theme) and a crowd favorite, Shenandoah. The show concludes with The Great Divide. We hope enjoy the Midland Valley Redcoats and hope you become an active fan!
**FMA** Hall of Famer*
The Generals is a corps from the Metro Atlanta area bringing a drum corps organization to this area for the first time. The uniforms will be a dark green with black pants and for each year that a member marches they will get a small start that goes on the left shoulder.

Executive Director of the CAI Performing Ensembles:
Northgate Marching Band
The Generals Drum and Bugle Corps
Generals Guard
Generals Drums
The Phanfare Regiment is in it's rookie season this year from a small town near Houston, Tx called Huffman. Our show is the music of The Beatles entitled "Magical Mystery Tour" featuring, Magical Mystery Tour, Hard Day's Night, and Yesterday. Our colors are black, white, and a little red.
Crossmen 2012
BK 2015
Coats 2014, 2016
sunrisers is a rookie corps based on the sunrisers from birmingham uk my favorite show eva was called on the town performed by the sunrisers in 1989 dcuk circuit so in honor of that show i thought i would bring it back to the field virtually any way
i am the director for the Bluemounds Drum And Bugle Corps
CHairman of the United Marching Networks
Director of
Spirit OF FLorida Dum and Bugle Corps
Sun Devils Marching band
Heatwave Indoor Drumline
Blue mounds winterguard

Hiya! My name is Vincent Pezza and I direct Modern. This is our first season competing, but we will sure do our best!
Director to:

Modern Antic
Odoriboro Blaze
Jester Fester

Member of the CLASS
Hi, I am the director of The Arbiters Drum and Bugle Corps. With our first Season, we present "Virtuosity" containing movements that showcase our high quality Music Ensemble. =]
Eagle Regiment from Lost, PA will be returning to FMA after competing in more than 10 seasons in FMA 1.0. It is hoping to have another great 1st season as in FMA 1.0 season 1 it placed in Finals. It is also returning to its first show, Falling Asleep. We are looking forward to this upcoming season.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles