Post season stats.
April 8th, 2013 1:49am
Sorry for another stats suggestions. Just had a random thought about something that'd be interesting to see...
I wondered how many energy points were received in the last season, how many of those were spent on campaigns, then of the remaining energy points, how much was spent on rehearsal vs lost due to not spending the points in time after hitting the cap.
I also wonder how 'correct' my difficulty choices were from the start of the season.
So some post season stats might be interesting to see how well we did as 'directors' in the meta portion of the game.
Definitely not a high priority or anything! Just a passing curiosity, and may not be even feasible...
Thanks for your time!
"When all else is gone, the Bones always remain."
April 8th, 2013 11:42am
I feel like this would be really cool! Just a lot of work... That might be really difficult and Alex is very busy so this might not be possible unless he frees up some time lol. Would definitely be a nice feature though!
12 years later
April 8th, 2013 1:11pm
I think it may take away some competitiveness however. I do agree that it would be good to see but just think if everyone knows how the top groups won the season before everyone would just copy them.
Head director of the Hornets,
Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
April 8th, 2013 8:07pm
kmarti: Yeah, I had thought there might be a little 'data mining'. It's part of the reason I suggested that it only be revealed post season instead of live, like the rest of the stats are. That said though, I can't think of a way that finding out how many points you missed out on compared to the top players would help anybody win. And perhaps the 'effectiveness' of your pre-season selections can be made as a private stat that only shows to the owner of the account, and you don't see anyone elses 'meta' score. But, perhaps I'm missing something?
As for the time involved to get anything like this done. Totally agreed that if this is something to be implemented, it'd be put in the 'would be nice if there was time' bucket. And not a major feature.
"When all else is gone, the Bones always remain."
April 9th, 2013 12:25pm
It is a really good idea but as mentioned it would be hard to implement. Frankly with a little bit of extra work you could keep some stats yourself and you could be able to develop a better strategy off of it. One thing I do is I write down in a word document how I spent all my audition points at the beginning of the season. For energy I am also very consistent in keeping up with the game due to the fact it is worked into my schedule. So if I wanted I could just write down all the hours I missed throughout the season and from that see how efficient I was.
All that being said these methods would take a few seasons to develop worthwhile results. So the stats would still be an easier way to do this.
Head director of the Hornets,
Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
April 9th, 2013 4:38pm
lol I just stick to a 5am 11am 5pm 11pm schedule and it works perfectly! I get up at 5:30 for school, my lunch mod is at 11:30, and I'm never doing anything at 5 pm. I go to bed around 11 pm so i usually just click a few buttons before i go to bed. I miss 11pm a lot so i miss like 6 hours at a time... i don't bother recording how i spend my points lol i just stick to one thing and go with it. lol it works
12 years later
April 9th, 2013 11:55pm
My schedule starts at 4pm and then runs until 10. Then I wake up at 6 and immediately do it. I lose quite a few hours, but I do really need to sleep and my school has a pretty harsh cell phone policy.
April 10th, 2013 6:13am
I don't use my phone in school lol. I just go to the library and use the iPads xD
12 years later
April 10th, 2013 9:21am
I am in college so I can just go back to my dorm and use my laptop. :D
Head director of the Hornets,
Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
April 10th, 2013 11:48am
Shush you xD
12 years later
April 10th, 2013 2:28pm
Wait your school provides iPads?
Ivory Brigade
April 10th, 2013 3:56pm
yeah we got them like this year! We have like 3 carts of 30 then 6 for just the library. Its pretty awesome lol
12 years later
April 10th, 2013 4:35pm
We have several several carts of iPads, laptops and other technological devices that would be able to access the internet, but you basically can't use them unless you have a written note from a teacher for permission, or you're currently under the guidance of said teacher. Rules, rules. They make me sad.
April 10th, 2013 5:56pm
#just sign them out xD
12 years later
April 10th, 2013 7:10pm
And I had to walk 20 miles uphill in the snow both ways just to get to school.
Ivory Brigade
April 10th, 2013 9:20pm
Come at me bro xD
12 years later
April 11th, 2013 12:11am
I just use my smartphone...
As pertaining to the original post, I'd just want to see a single state each season ppp. Points per point. On average, over the season, how many points did you go up, for each energy point you spent. Then we'd see the most efficient people.
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.
April 11th, 2013 12:29am
That would actually be very interesting to see.
Head director of the Hornets,
Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
April 11th, 2013 5:49am
I like it
12 years later