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I was just curious to what areas we had represented on this site. I have noticed at least from the locations of some groups we will have a ton from certain parts of the country. I personally am from the great state of Wisconsin. What states or areas are the rest of you from?
Head director of the Hornets,

Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
There are quite a few of us from the Bluegrass State.
I go to school in Kentucky, but I'm from Northern Virginia (Washington, D.C. area).
***FMA Hall of Fame***
8x DC Gold 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
9x DL Gold 116, 118-119, 121-122, 124-127
12x MB Gold 28-30, 46, 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
25x CG Gold 28-30, 36, 45-48, 53-54, 69, 88
Central New York AW YEAH
12 years later
I'm in Mississippi, but I spent a great part of my life in Missouri.
Ivory Brigade
I would say there are a decent amount of us from Virginia.
I have noticed that a lot of the corps tend to have home towns in Virgina.
Head director of the Hornets,

Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
Representing Southern California here.
To be honest, I wasn't expecting for there to be as many from VA as there are. But I do love it.

There must be quite a few from Kentucky as well since KMEA is so popular.
Maybe... But I think that those leagues were just created by a Kentucky native x) He just happened to get a lot of members!
12 years later
Ya but I do believe there was a core group of friends who formed that league who all happened to be from Kentucky. I thought I saw that somewhere on the forums.
Head director of the Hornets,

Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
To answer the question about KMEA, I can tell you that at least the Founder and the Board of Directors are all from Kentucky.

We created a thread about it on our forum to recruit people, but not many people posted, so I can't tell you for sure how many people are ACTUALLY from Kentucky, besides those I mentioned above--because they're friends irl.
BaritoneB1 does that mean you tend to go and watch dci finals a lot?
Head director of the Hornets,

Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
If I were him I would. I don't think I'd ever leave Lucas Oil. lol

And thanks for clearing that up, Insanity.

Just given what we've noticed on the site, which state seems to have the most members?
Good question... my bet is virginia or something like that.
12 years later
I'm guessing any but Mississippi.
Ivory Brigade
I am guessing Virgina there also seem to be a few states not represented at all as well.
Head director of the Hornets,

Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
Curious. When I first signed up, I assumed there would be several from the states that have a ton of BOA finalists (Indiana, Texas, Georgia) or the states near the World Class corps.
Prior to last year (didn't go), I had been to semis the previous three years (2009-2011).