March 3rd, 2013 5:22am
That wouldn't really stop me at all. Influence is the least important thing I feel in the entire game. Once you're in like 5 digits you pretty much get accepted to 90% of the shows you sign up for.
I think we need to lower the amount of units in regular shows. Maybe 20 max. That allows more people to fill their shows. What's very obvious to me from experience is if I don't have my show set up as soon as possible or within a day of that, it just isn't going to get filled up. Leagues could be restricted to weekends and finals week with no limit on size, but instead a one size fits all option that allows the entire league to participate.
The biggest problem is leagues like mine are sitting on millions of FMA dollars that have no purpose. In a related note, leagues don't really benefit anyone.
What do I get out of it? My schedule is easily filled so I constantly know my score, and nothing else.
What are the costs of the leagues? They siphon away contestants from the shows of everyone including members of that league.
What are the wastes? Huge amounts of unfilled contests and unusable money.
1) Make members of a league have to put something into the league, and then let us get something out of it. Let's say I put in $10000 into unspecified. Let's saying everyone else in the league put in $90000. Then at the end of the season, 50% of the revenue goes away as an operating cost. The rest is distributed in accordance with how much you invested or equally by a vote of the Founder and BoD.
2) We could limit the number of people in each league in an attempt to spread people out into more different leagues. This keeps Unspecified and CLASS from being the superpowers they are. This would also make league events less contestant draining as presumably each league would be able to host fewer shows with the sharp decrease in revenue. If combined with idea 1, then we could only let invested money pay for shows.
3) Force everyone to declare a league or clearly state independence. Make personal contests run under league sanction. Combine with the limit on league members so that contests often have more slots than members. Independents are free to sign up for any of these spots. Independents also have an advantage in that while they have no guaranteed attendance, their shows are free from the league doing things like taking away revenue in operating costs, and open scheduling.
I prolly didn't say that all very clear, but I'm tired so blah.