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Yeah I've missed tons of training myself. I didn't get any training in yesterday and only one the day before I'm gonna be lucky for all my groups to stay in finals and my marching bands silver might end up not even being a bronze.
Ivory Brigade
well i'll be doing better these last couple days :D i now have a way to use the internet a lot! i may get a medal with 3 or all of my groups. you never know!
12 years later
Finals results are just 6 and a half hours away. Looking back, I think I did pretty well this season, although I think I'll do much better next season. Since I'm in the lower half of finals, I doubt I'll be moving up to D2 next season. Maybe I can win medals in season 25? Only time will tell.

How do you guys think you did? What are your goals for next season?
I feel I did well. I swept D3 from the start and held the lead with an undefeated season. I definitely learned a lot as to where to put in a lot of the energy and good strategies regarding practicing. One area I need to improve in is fundraising and staffing. I really haven't concentrated too much on all of that, and I will need to do that to be competitive in D2 next season.

Goals for next season are to try to place in top twelve in D2. I think it's definitely possible. I'm diligent in remembering to practice as much as possible, so I think I can do it. Best of luck to everyone next season!
One thing I learned this season is that I don't put nearly as much attention on GE as I do the other captions. For instance, I led in Winds in Drum Corps and Marching Band for almost the entire season. Until week 3, I was 20th or higher in my GE and ensemble scores.

Except for in Drumline, where I was oddly first in Visual GE. So next season I really need to put more focus on Music
Yeah, you really need to put the majority of your energy into GE. My issue this season is that I was neglecting the guard for awhile because I was focused on winds, percussion, and GE so much. That and the Visual Performance caption was short on points until I made an effort to bring it back. It was my goal to try to win every caption this year against my closest competitor.
Congrats on your win Spartan I am sure you will do great in D2 next season, I cant wait to compete against you again. My goal for this next season is a medal something that I have yet to do.
Head director of the Hornets,

Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
That's basically my goal for next season too, Kmarti.

And I can't believe I finished 6th in Drum Corps, Drumline and Colorguard! I actually raised two spots from semis to finals in colorguard!
Wow. I Tonya Hardinged my way to finals. 3 fourth place finishes.
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.
Going to continue constantly fundraising next season, but I'm going to compete in more competitions that way I'm not getting completely behind in influence. Right now my goal is to max out all of my staff hires and then when I get that done, move on to ranking them up.

(What I haven't hired yet:
DC: Drill Designer and Visual Caption Head
MB: Drill Designer
CG: Choreographer, Equipment Caption Head, Movement Caption Head
DL: Program Coordinator, Battery Arranger, Pit Arranger, Choreographer, Pit Caption Head, Visual Caption Head, Pit Technician.)

Starting this coming week, I'm going to busy until around the middle of October. So, I might as well fundraise right?
I've decided that for Season 26, I want to participate in more user-run competitions like the Parade of Champions and Horns Along the Cornfields, that will not only allow me to win more competitions, but it will expose me to competition with ensembles from other leagues.
It is a lot better to get out and go to other shows not only do you get to see a great variety of groups but you also help the hosts make more money.

Side note shouldn't season 25 have started already?
Head director of the Hornets,

Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
Why are we on season 27? season 25 and 26 never happened.
It keeps resetting...i just lost all the groups i set up and the competitions i started too!
Original Member of the Mid-West Combine (defunct)
See the bug forum thread :/

Anyway I am planning to break a 90 with all of my groups this season. 95 with my guard. I could have easily done it this past season but I was busy with life... This season I will be active throughout preseason (something I was unable to do last season) and am attending no league events. I want the randomness factor back :)

I am also hosting bigger shows. Anyone interested apply for my shows on may 7th! see my group names below in my forum signature!

btw i applied both my main and b account groups to:

kmarty's shows
cire's shows
and marambaman's shows

if anyone ever wants me attend all of their shows just message me next season and you will gain a total of almost 140000 influence for your shows between my 2 groups :)
12 years later
I'm starting to remember to why I switched to all regional shows last season....

Because I keep getting declined. With regional shows, I don't have to worry about that. So for next season, I think I'll switch back over to that platform. I've already got a pretty big list of shows I'm never applying to again.
I accept everyone :) just look for my shows and you shall be accepted. i actually think you did apply to them this season lol. i have had to decline 2 people and thats because there were 1 too many applicants at my marching band and guard shows
12 years later
iAM64, I have a question for you. On your profile it says your marching band has been the Virginia State Champs for six years. Is there some kind of championship series I'm not aware of (VBODA etc)? I didn't think Virginia had anything like that. Is it because I'm from up North?
***FMA Hall of Fame***
8x DC Gold 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
9x DL Gold 116, 118-119, 121-122, 124-127
12x MB Gold 28-30, 46, 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
25x CG Gold 28-30, 36, 45-48, 53-54, 69, 88
I'm sorry if I declined you this season at any of my shows but I can save you a spot for your drumline in my show on the 19th. I usually accept based on when you apply unless I have too many apps. Then I'll base it on league then influence. I only did that really bad this season because I was at the hospital all day yesterday with my mom.
Ivory Brigade
Is your mom alright? And although this happened a few days ago... Strad you spelled my name wrong man its kmarti not kmarty.
Head director of the Hornets,

Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis