Chat room
October 24th, 2013 8:46pm
I got top 10 all across! 6th for band and drumline! :D 7th guard 10th corps
12 years later
October 24th, 2013 10:24pm
As self serving as this sounds, something really does have to change with the color guard scoring. I'm not sure we will ever see an outright DI Champion for a long time with the way the scores are. As annoying as it was to get a 99.995 a few seasons ago, I really had no business forcing a tie with Silver Falcon because they were clearly ahead of me at the time. Same goes for this season and the last with our groups.
Alex works really hard and I don't mean to put down his product because it's great, but it's a little silly at this point to have multiple groups scoring a 100 every season. Pretty soon I think we could have triple Champions.
***FMA Hall of Fame***
8x DC Gold 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
9x DL Gold 116, 118-119, 121-122, 124-127
12x MB Gold 28-30, 46, 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
25x CG Gold 28-30, 36, 45-48, 53-54, 69, 88
October 25th, 2013 5:53am
more than that lol
12 years later
October 25th, 2013 8:03am
well he does have one day during finals week where no competitions are going on maybe he can move back all the finals a day and have that extra day at the end of the week instead and have a tie breaking finals if needed
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein
October 25th, 2013 8:04am
he just needs to find a person with the know how to be his right hand man
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein
October 25th, 2013 11:08am
Maybe he could just dock off a bunch of points from the staff. That is where it is really buffed too much lol
12 years later
October 25th, 2013 8:21pm
Strad we were never head to head except for one season or am i mistaken? I also might have made D1 finals this season if I hadnt missed one entire weekend. Spartan you will probably make D1 just keep going and soon we will both dominate. Also Trumpetvinny didnt take 4th!
Head director of the Hornets,
Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
October 25th, 2013 8:22pm
Also sorry a bit behind on the forums I have been SUPER busy
Head director of the Hornets,
Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
October 25th, 2013 8:23pm
Also sorry a bit behind on the forums I have been SUPER busy
Head director of the Hornets,
Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
October 25th, 2013 9:00pm
'm kind of excited for racers finals recap lol
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein
October 25th, 2013 10:16pm
Yeah same here especially since my groups have all been competitive this season lol
12 years later
October 26th, 2013 5:01am
Itll come :) itll be late tho, cause ill be at KMEA State Championship all day.
October 26th, 2013 6:55am
lol thats fine 'cause i'll be at NYSFBC Championships all day x)
12 years later
October 26th, 2013 10:40am
eh i have a basketball skrimish i play for the UofL womens team so it can be late lol if you get on to late though and need to see the div 3 scores all my groups are in it so just look up my stuff
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein
October 26th, 2013 3:59pm
I guess I can contribute then.
I have to drive to Toronto Pearson International Airport to pick up my brother, who is flying home from Saskatchewan and landing at around midnight. Be sure to check out my scores in my DIV II groups as well, even though they didn't make finals. In the mean time, I am doing jack all up to the point of 8pm.
Might as well visit Master Bait and Tackle Box in the meantime, or even pay my girlfriend a visit before I leave to Toronto tonight.
Troll hard.
Blue Saints - 2009, snare
Pioneer - 2012, baritone (ageout)
Empire Statesmen - 2013, baritone
October 26th, 2013 6:15pm
Wooooooooooow lol
12 years later
October 26th, 2013 7:56pm
Paid my girl a visit instead, was worth it. Also, Toronto Maple Leafs is losing.
Blue Saints - 2009, snare
Pioneer - 2012, baritone (ageout)
Empire Statesmen - 2013, baritone
October 27th, 2013 12:20am
I have family in Saskatchewan! I haven't seen here in YEARS though.
Also just created events for all groups in Dec 1! Bolts of Lightening, Thunder on the Field, Totally Twisted and Flash of Brass! Come apply! :)
Alohomora Arts
Order of the Phoenix - Div I DC - ICE - Founder
Dumbledore's Army - Div I MB
Veela's - Div I CG - FLAG - Founder
Death Eaters - Div I DL - DRUMS BoD
October 27th, 2013 1:20am
haha! new pic hopefully it doesn't grow legs and walk off this time!
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but world War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein
October 27th, 2013 2:52am
Alright, when i wake up, ill be writing it. I am famished... lol.
Feel free to apply to my events posted in the press release. All excepted, especially the tier 6. I need all i can get ;P