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I am going to suck this season. Nuff said.
12 years later
I know I had the opposite happen to me now that I am on summer break I am working a full time job so I consistently lose 2 hours of rehearsal time 5 days out of the week and I am sleeping more!
Head director of the Hornets,

Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
Sounds like life to me xD
12 years later
I average losing about 4 hours in a day I think.
Regal Regiment (CLASS) 4XBronze 3XSilver 4XGold
Marching Lords (UNSP) 4XBronze 5XSilver 5XGold
Nobles of Grace (UNSP) 4X Bronze 7XSilver 1X Gold
Drumming Imperials (UNSP) 2X Bronze 5X Silver 7XGold
I lose at a minimum 4 hours a day. Usually more. I just have a great staff to compensate. It's obviously no longer enough because 4th place (grumble grumble).
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.
I normally lose one to two hours when I sleep. Once Summer Break starts, I shouldn't lose any time. I get very little sleep during summer.
I have been missing about 8-12 hours everyday. Yolo...
12 years later
Yea and my other problem is I hang out with friends which has caused me to miss a lot of rehearsal time as well.
Head director of the Hornets,

Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
I haven't missed a single hour since I started competing this season... but I'm also jet lagged to the point that I can't fall asleep before six AM.
***FMA Hall of Fame***
7x DC Gold 116, 119, 121-122, 124-126
8x DL Gold 116, 118-119, 121-122, 124-126
11x MB Gold 28-30, 46, 116, 119, 121-122, 124-126
24x CG Gold 28-30, 36, 45-48, 53-54, 69, 88
I have missed a few hours, but I'm working on getting better. I didn't really miss any hours my first two seasons and then I got lax last season. This season, I need to change it because the lost hours last season probably would have netted me third place in Division II.
Starting to think it was a mistake to put my DC, CG, and DL all inactive. Didn't think those three groups could recover enough to make Finals after missing just over a week. My MB will be top ten this time next week.
***FMA Hall of Fame***
7x DC Gold 116, 119, 121-122, 124-126
8x DL Gold 116, 118-119, 121-122, 124-126
11x MB Gold 28-30, 46, 116, 119, 121-122, 124-126
24x CG Gold 28-30, 36, 45-48, 53-54, 69, 88
I mean you could still try for CG and DL those areas arnt as big.
Head director of the Hornets,

Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
I have been very inactive this season and now my drumline is way back in 23 while my guard and band are in the top 12 and corps is 13th. Gotta love staff.
12 years later
ya haven't you been marching in a real drum corps?
Head director of the Hornets,

Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
lol yes I have but thats only on weekends... right now I'm just being buried with review stuff and practice regents exams and essays and final exams all at once at the moment
12 years later
haha that sucks, I am on summer break already have been for like 2 weeks.
Head director of the Hornets,

Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
haha lucky :P i've still got 1 week of school and 1 week of tests left
12 years later
I've been on break for three weeks. :P
Gaaaah curse thee high school!
12 years later
I graduated high school this year. So, I know how it feels, but we were on the late-August to late-May schedule.