January 22nd, 2015 10:40pm
Wow... where do I start? I can't say I have a FAV.... let's say... hehe, top 12, and then another three....
Now then, let's get to my first twelve, among them are corps that well... you'll see.
Alright. Bridgemen. I loved watching the shows that they did back then. I felt they were very entertaining and had flare, this is my opinion.
For the sake of your reading, i'll keep the "Whys" brief.
Next up, Velvet Knights, a lot of my older friends talked their shows up, so, I saw for myself, and... yeah man, VK did some bueno stuff.
Star of Indiana... Barber and Bartok, Roman Images, two shows I know people know, because they are the most talked about shows from Star, at least around where I am. I'm going to only mention those two, even though they have a lot more nicely nice shows, because, I'm on a rush and want to get my list out.
Madison Scouts. Especially back in the years they were winning DCI, and even now, I feel like I get slapped in the face everytime I hear an impact from their hornline.
Phantom Regiment, I don't want to repeat anything anyone else has said (that was positive) otherwise, you'd be reading the same thing. Honestly, I want to see them do a show about Isolde, from "Tristan and Isolde". that would be sweet.
Blue Devils, I love the modern approaches they're doing, pushing the bar, and just about every show they did. First time I saw Cabaret Voltaire when I was watching DCI shows in 2012, I was like... I've heard that title somewhere, then I realized, I took an art appreciation class, in my collegiate studies, and wrote a paper on Dadaism... and I was like holy cow... I didn't even know that could be a DCI show.. Burt Bacharach, Rite of Spring, I can see, but... anyway, I'm not just a fan of the new millenium stuff Blue Devils did, I like all the stuff they did, and the whole system blue thing they have going on.
The Cavaliers. I don't think I'll ever watch Michael Gaines's Drill on multi-cam, because of the stuff he's writing, the stuff they're executing. I've had a lot of friends who are Cavaliers, and the stuff they tell me about how they learn drill, how they march, essentially the stuff they're allowed to tell me, is just mind-blowing.
BTW these are in no particular order, just as they appear in my mind.
Carolina Crown, the newest name on that DCI trophy, killer brass in recent years, at least I think so.
Cadets, known by many names over the years. I likes me some Cadets in my Corps playlists.
Santa Clara Vanguard, I love shouting "Vanguard", I fell in love with their phantom shows, the Russian show they did in '05, Les Mis, and Scherezade (I don't know if I spelt that right). I remember watching a 1973 show, or was it 74, back when there was only one yard line in the center, and everything marched, the simple, but scary clean rifle work.
I said 12 right.. darn...
Bluecoats, does anyone remember the killer steel pan solo in one of their shows? I thought that was pretty sweet. I guess I have them to thank because every time I type in "Tilt" on google. I think about their most recent show. Of course that's not the only show I know them by,
Blue Knights. Me likey the Knights, much like, such blue, wow.
Know what, I got a few more.
Crossmen, Bones are an essential part of my body, and my DCI playlists, their 2012 show was one of my favorites from that year.
Troopers, one moment that I won't forget is what people called the Infinity Chord, from, I think it was 2012, or wait, it was 2011... that concert A-flat major chord that they held out forever, while standing in the infinity set.
Now that I think about it, Every corps is my favorite, in a sense. since, it's drum corps, what's not to like?