January 16th, 2013 3:49pm
I know it's a long shot, but this might make the game a little more interesting and could help give people a way to use up their money they have stockpiled.
We all know that judges are not perfect.. why not have it so part of setting up a contest is also paying for judges to judge your competition. Better judges cost more and give more accurate scores. Cheaper judges (free/intern judges) are not going to be as accurate.
So for each contest day, have say x number of judges available who can judge. Maybe like this...
Music Judges:
Judge in Training - scores +/-5 points of actual score. gives no preference to groups. Free of charge
Bob Judge - scores +/-2 points of actual score. +1.0 gives preference to Div 2 groups. Charges $300
Jennifer Judge - scores +/- 1 points of actual score. gives +.05 preference to groups who have never won finals. charges $500
Dave Judge - scores +/-1 points of actual score. gives +.1 preference to past champions. charges $700
Nick Judge - scores +/-0.1 points of actual score. gives no preference. charges $1000
Visual Judges:
Judge in Training - scores +/-5 points of actual score. gives no preference to groups. Free of charge
Raymond Judge - scores +/-3 points of actual score. gives +.05 preference to Div 3 groups. Charges $200
Alex Judge - scores +/- 1 points of actual score. gives +.05 preference to groups who have never won finals. charges $600
Michelle Judge - scores +/-1 points of actual score. gives +.1 preference to past champions. charges $900
Sara Judge - scores +/-0.1 points of actual score. gives no preference. charges $1500
Regionals and Finals will have actual scoring. Judges must be selected after you purchase the event. Judges names for each show can be seen by everyone but the judge stats can only be seen AFTER being accepted to a show or once a show has been filled or ended. All judges will have their positive/negative effects except the most expensive.
The kicker... there would only be a set amount of judges to choose from (say 25 in each subcaption for each type of group). A judge can only judge once per day so whoever creates their shows first can have first pick at selecting a judge. If you don't have the funds or the other judges are all selected, you can select a Judge in Training which is free and can be used as often as needed.