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League Fields
It would be nice to have a staff type setting for leagues. They can use their extra money on upgrades that would do different things.

I would suggest reworking the leagues completely. You can make them more like guilds in mmorpgs. You can start a reputation stat that would be like influence, but just for the leagues. Maybe have a designated field that leagues would have to buy and maintain with money made from competitions.

That field could then be used by members in the league for their competitions. The fields that the leagues have could add a boost to attendence for the groups that use the field. Of course you can only have one competition on the field per day. So the leagues would have to work out who would get to use the field whether it be a league comp or an individual. The better the field the more competitions it can host a season and how many audience can attend.

Just kind of thinking this could help with the amounts of extra money that leagues have. And kinda breathe life back into a kind of stale aspect.
Ivory Brigade
This would be really great. Unfortunately I just don't have the time right now to devote to new developments. If I really had the time to put in, I'd love to do all sorts of things, like making a mobile application, reworking leagues and events, adding more interesting director skills, fixing score inflation (I know, guard people), redesigning the interface, redesigning the rehearsal aspects to make it more fun.

To be honest, I hate that I have to keep saying "I'm too busy", because I really love this community and the game itself. I would actually love to build this into a huge game that works on Facebook, the web, and mobile apps - then donate proceeds from the FMA Store to actual arts organizations that need help.

Unfortunately, I just can't justify the time spent right now. Full disclosure, I'm working on:
1. a chamber orchestra piece
2. a string quartet
3. getting players together for my graduate composition recital in March
4. About 7 or 8 marching band shows
5. a commission for a middle school concert band
6. another game I'm doing with a friend (not marching related)
7. And I'm back in school full time in a couple of weeks

I'll try to keep everyone updated as I have more time...after March I might actually be looking for things to do, so stay tuned! I'll be lurking, as usual!
This might be off topic but how high would I need to get my director level before I get into the food level. Not specifically tacos, I guess chalupas are good too. Could I trade some of my influence (or reeses peices) to join the elite level of taco directors.
Alex, any thought on putting the site on a private subversion and we working on it together? At least I could help implement/manage minor aspects of the site.. we are both swamped, but I don't mind helping out where I can.
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"