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Dear Alex,

What should I do with the $20,282,200 the [unspecified] league has in its coffers?

Detroit Parks & Recreation
12 years later
Have a pizza party.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
It would be nice to have a staff type setting for leagues. They can use their extra money on upgrades that would do different things.

I would suggest reworking the leagues completely. You can make them more like guilds in mmorpgs. You can start a reputation stat that would be like influence, but just for the leagues. Maybe have a designated field that leagues would have to buy and maintain with money made from competitions.

That field could then be used by members in the league for their competitions. The fields that the leagues have could add a boost to attendence for the groups that use the field. Of course you can only have one competition on the field per day. So the leagues would have to work out who would get to use the field whether it be a league comp or an individual. The better the field the more competitions it can host a season and how many audience can attend.

Just kind of thinking this could help with the amounts of extra money that leagues have. And kinda breathe life back into a kind of stale aspect.
Ivory Brigade
I think the above idea is good. As long as nothing effects the attributes of individual groups. I don't want to be forced to join a league.
Ryan T. Loveless
I think under cire's store we're the first group who can successfully bribe the judges.
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.
;) I want my cut or I'm going to the presses!
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
Why would you get a cut when you decline my invites every season :-)
Detroit Parks & Recreation