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FMA West Combine
okay well hit me up with what you want to do
Class Member And IIEA Member
Directors of:
Tiger Pride Regiment[DC Div. I]
Tiger Band And Color Guard[ MB Div. I]
Exhale[CG Div.I]
Pulse[DL Div.I]

Join FMA West Combine
West Cost is doing good in the division 1 and 3
Class Member And IIEA Member
Directors of:
Tiger Pride Regiment[DC Div. I]
Tiger Band And Color Guard[ MB Div. I]
Exhale[CG Div.I]
Pulse[DL Div.I]

Join FMA West Combine
Results From Forest Hill, Washington

Division 1
Sapphire Sound 7.560/7.540/7.410/7.560/7.520/7.270/14.455/14.340/73.655/1st
Resilience 7.675/7.605/7.220/7.660/7.535/6.520/14.045/12.945/71.205/2nd
Blue Demons 7.065/6.810/6.245/6.235/6.660/6.500/12.340/12.355/64.210/3rd

Division 3
Tiger Pride Regiment 5.860/5.875/6.240/6.500/6.210/6.405/13.000/13.615/63.705/1st
Knights Vanguard 5.140/5.090/5.075/5.055/5.020/5.075/10.080/10.035/50.570/2nd
Wildcat Regiment 4.810/4.830/4.810/4.845/4.825/4.805/9.595/9.545/48.065/3rd
Class Member And IIEA Member
Directors of:
Tiger Pride Regiment[DC Div. I]
Tiger Band And Color Guard[ MB Div. I]
Exhale[CG Div.I]
Pulse[DL Div.I]

Join FMA West Combine
keep up the good work everyone
Class Member And IIEA Member
Directors of:
Tiger Pride Regiment[DC Div. I]
Tiger Band And Color Guard[ MB Div. I]
Exhale[CG Div.I]
Pulse[DL Div.I]

Join FMA West Combine
I'll join this combine. Sapphire Vanguard is from California.
Member of :
Results from San Diego

Division 1
Sapphire Sound 8.100/7.710/7.520/7.710/7.535/7.385/14.665/14.575/75.200/1st
Resilience 8.175/7.620/7.250/7.675/7.535/6.560/14.095/13.025/71.935 /2nd
Blue Demons 7.070/6.825/6.365/6.260/6.670/6.610/12.585/12.580/64.965/3rd
Sapphire Vanguard 6.140/6.075/6.350/6.045/6.015/6.475/12.655/12.645/62.400/4th

Division 3
Tiger Pride Regiment 5.905/5.915/6.275/6.595/6.240/6.460/13.170/13.800/64.360/1st
Knights Vanguard 5.140/5.090/5.075/5.055/5.020/5.075/10.080/10.035/50.570/2nd
Wildcat Regiment 4.810/4.830/4.810/4.845/4.825/4.805/9.595/9.545/48.065/3rd
Class Member And IIEA Member
Directors of:
Tiger Pride Regiment[DC Div. I]
Tiger Band And Color Guard[ MB Div. I]
Exhale[CG Div.I]
Pulse[DL Div.I]

Join FMA West Combine
Good luck to everyone as we enter finals tomorrow! It's sure to be great.
Sapphire Sound - Div. I Drum Corps
Sapphire Sound Cadets - Div. I Marching Band
2x Drum Corps Medalist (S2 Div 1 Champions)
2x Marching Band Medalist (S2 Div 3 Champions)
Results from Concord, California

Division 1
Sapphire Sound 8.470/7.985/7.535/7.760/7.535/7.400/14.700/14.605/75.990/1st
Resilience 8.185/7.730/7.340/7.685/7.535/6.645/14.275/13.190/72.585/2nd
Blue Demons 7.070/6.850/6.485/6.275/6.695/6.720/12.815/12.805/65.715/3rd
Sapphire Vanguard 6.140/6.075/6.350/6.045/6.015/6.475/12.655/12.645/62.400/4th

Division 3
Tiger Pride Regiment 5.935/5.950/6.315/6.655/6.255/6.495/13.305/13.930/64.840/1st
Knights Vanguard 5.140/5.090/5.075/5.055/5.020/5.075/10.080/10.035/50.570/2nd
Wildcat Regiment 4.810/4.830/4.810/4.845/4.825/4.805/9.595/9.545/48.065/3rd
Class Member And IIEA Member
Directors of:
Tiger Pride Regiment[DC Div. I]
Tiger Band And Color Guard[ MB Div. I]
Exhale[CG Div.I]
Pulse[DL Div.I]

Join FMA West Combine
Resilience Drum Corps Div 1 9th place
Shadows Marching Band Div III 9th Place
Skyline Colorguard Div III 3rd Place
The Thunder Drumline Div II 2nd Place
Resilience (Drum and Bugle Corps)- D1
Shadows (Marching Band) - D1
Skyline (Winter-guard) - D1
The Thunder (Drum-line) - D1
i want in on this!!! I'm from California... All my units are parodies of california units. Specifically RCC, Fantasia, RCC Winter Drumline, and the Blue Devils. Haha
Blue Moon Drum Corps
Blue Moon Marching Regiment
Green Pines Indoor (Drumline)

From Flagstaff, Arizona.

Division 3

Here's an idea as well, take it or leave it.

We could treat the combine competitions like those of a real life circuit (Like those you find in certain states, at least with winter guard. I can only think of WGAZ since I'm from Arizona.)

The normal finals Would still be like the Championships, but we could host a series of competitons ending with what we can name the "Western Combine Finals" or something.

This would give the impression of playing in two different circuits, locally and internationally. There would be a winner for the western combine finals, but it wouldn't nessasarilly be the same person who wins the world finals.

We could have say, 5 - 10 standard competitions that you have to be in the circuit to peform at. You could still go to other competitions that deal with the actual circuit you are in. Like finals week or the week before would be western combine finals week (with prelims, semis, and finals if you wish, or any of the 3.) The winners would be announced and posted on the profile if we ever make one.
@vibraphoneian: We have competitions set up for FMA West Combine members.
8/16 - FMA West Open (full)
9/8 - West Combine Competition (full)
9/14 - FMADC West Combine Finals (13 spots open)

West Combine members have preference for applications (I would know, I've been planning finals).
We've had your idea since last season, don't worry. That's the only reason combines are popping up all over the place anyway.

So new/exisiting members, make sure you sign up!

Sapphire Sound - Div. I Drum Corps
Sapphire Sound Cadets - Div. I Marching Band
2x Drum Corps Medalist (S2 Div 1 Champions)
2x Marching Band Medalist (S2 Div 3 Champions)
I guess I misunderstood the schedule from season 1 on the last page.
does el paso texas count?
No. That's Gulf Coast. Sorry bv584.
DC: Blue Demons Corps
I'm down to join. Gooey Lizard is from Long Beach. I think next season we should run a circuit, plan everything out so everyone in the combine has a comp every day, if at all possible.
@mrtuba2000 - If we can somehow rustle up enough support and get 33 members (we're only at about 10 at the moment), we can. It's a good idea, we just need more people to join.
Sapphire Sound - Div. I Drum Corps
Sapphire Sound Cadets - Div. I Marching Band
2x Drum Corps Medalist (S2 Div 1 Champions)
2x Marching Band Medalist (S2 Div 3 Champions)
Agreed. That's why until we get to that point we're looking at possible partnerships with other combines.
DC: Blue Demons Corps
FMA West is doing pretty well right now.

Div. I
Sapphire Sound 5.945/5.745/5.885 /5.750/5.725/5.815/11.475/11.485/57.825/1st
Resilience 5.925/5.755/5.565/5.615/5.545/5.605/10.725/11.020/55.755/2nd
Blue Demons 5.290/5.210/5.640/5.110/5.275/5.515/10.515/10.455/53.010/3rd
Sapphire Vanguard 5.370/5.370/5.235/5.340/5.345/5.200/10.515/10.355/52.730/4th
Tiger Pride Regiment 5.185/5.170/5.035/5.275/5.130/5.075/10.565/10.895/52.330/5th

Div. II
Knights Vanguard 5.775/5.650/5.490/5.535/5.700/5.535/10.940/10.885/55.510/1st

Div. III
Wildcat Regiment 5.090/5.055/5.035/5.150/5.015/5.035/10.260/10.245/50.885/1st
Gooey Lizard 4.985/4.940/4.980/4.945/4.930/4.915/9.890/9.895/49.480/2nd
Bleu Diablos 4.705/4.705/4.835/4.835/4.735/4.880/9.650/9.595/47.940/3rd

Most notably;
Sapphire Sound (3rd Place Div. I)
Resilience (10th Place Div. 1)
Knights Vanguard (2nd Place Div. II)
Wildcat Regiment (11th Place Div. III)

So, keep it up everyone! We can't let the North-East Combine keep beating us at everything, haha.
Sapphire Sound - Div. I Drum Corps
Sapphire Sound Cadets - Div. I Marching Band
2x Drum Corps Medalist (S2 Div 1 Champions)
2x Marching Band Medalist (S2 Div 3 Champions)
what do you think the turnout would be like if we did a west combine for marching band also?