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Confirming/rejecting applications
I just noticed in several cases that I applied for a competition and was never cofirmed. When I checked the event and/or removed my application, I noticed that the event was full. That brings up a question: If someone declines our application, does it say so when we check our schedules? Or is it at least supposed to? Either it doesn't work, or people are confirming the groups they want to participate and ignoring the rest, which is inconvenient because we don't know to move on and search for other competitions.
Its unfortunate, and I think it can be solved by me adding something that declines all remaining applications after an event is full. I hope to have this for season 2.
Okay. Thanks for the help!
AGH no one will accept an app. Ive only been accepted to 1 so far.
@ Freak

I have the same problem and when Alex explained, I made sure to go back and decline the others but I guess not everyone wants to sit there and decline a whole bunch of applications ?

@ Docbeat seems it's set up to favor accepting those with the most "love points". so the host will sell the most tickets As much as I dislike it, it does bring a real world touch to the economics of the game. Also, this is the main reason I started discussion on "combines' where a group of corps would accept each other to their shows.