August 8th, 2010 12:44pm
Week 1: 3 Comps
1) Bachstrad2010 - August 18th
2) ismensink - August 15th
3) rocketfan86 - August 21st
Week 2: 3 Comps
4) abesimpson - ?
5) Justmister - August 26th
6) ML23 - August 27th
Week 3: 3 Comps
7) Katkatastrophe - September 3rd
8) Exavier - September 3rd
9) IMcomJosh - ?
Come Week 4, you may join any competitions you like.
Also, I think Katkatastrophe might have made a mistake...we need another competition on in Week 3, because we have two on the same day.