July 21st, 2010 1:12am
Just putting this out there. I'm D1, my influence is rather low compared to the rest of the corps that are in the Top 20 for D1. Most have MASS influence. How that all happened I would like to know, but I'd rather them keep their secrets hidden.
Now for what I was saying:
I'm not part of the Mid-West Region, I don't plan on joining it. But since my corps, and band, are located in the Mid-West, I will be hosting a competition for the second year in a row for my corps. I will be more likely to accept Mid-west canidates with average-above average influence, than corps with Ridiculously high influence. My Competition will hold 10 spots. I will be accepting at LEAST 6-7 mid-west members, just because my competition is located in the mid-west.
I hope that may help a little bit for everyone. Once again, not a member :D
Ryan T. Loveless