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FMA Mid-West Discussion
Sweet - I'm a Mid-Westener. Hello Fellow Mid-Westerners!!
I wrapped up all my events before I knew what I was doing, but come next season (and if I have the funds) I'd be happy to host a a couple too.
DC - Gutwrencher Brigade
MB - Accounts Payable H.S.
CG - Gigantors
DL - Sticks & Stones
----Mid-Western/Kansas Division---
members as of tonight:
Indiana Sound - D2 (MidwestUnion)
Corydon Sound - D2
Vis X - D2
Music X Ensemble - D2
@bachstrad2010 sounds great. Once the membership is high enough, it will be all union groups in our events.
Proud member of the FMA Mid-West Union
DC - The Stars of Indy
MB - The Marching Giants
CG - X-Factor
DL - Invasion
Well, some people have expressed interest in hosting bigger competitions in order to make more theoretical money. I'm fine with this as long as everyone else is, but Union members get accepted first.
Indiana Sound - D2 (MidwestUnion)
Corydon Sound - D2
Vis X - D2
Music X Ensemble - D2
I'm interested.
Congrats to Exavier for being our 10th member. Go mid-west!
Indiana Sound - D2 (MidwestUnion)
Corydon Sound - D2
Vis X - D2
Music X Ensemble - D2
Consider Carolina's Regiment (D2) on board now
Carolina's Phantom Inc. (D2)

DC - Carolina's Regiment
DL - The Phantom of Carolina Drumline
CG - Phantom's Crown
MB - Carolina's Regiment of Winds
Alrighty, I think we may currently be the biggest union/ combine. I really wish we could come up with one term for all of the different groups. typing 'union/ combine' is just a pain in the rear.
Indiana Sound - D2 (MidwestUnion)
Corydon Sound - D2
Vis X - D2
Music X Ensemble - D2
Hi, I am not a member of your union/combine but in response to the previous post: what about calling the different areas "circuits"? Definition of circuit: an established itinerary of venues or events that a particular group of people travel to. So this would be the Mid-West circuit and I would be part of the North-East circuit and so on....
Founding Member and first President of the North-East and East-Coast Combine
Director of the Perception Performing Arts Network based out of Newbury, England
Support the East-Coast Combine

Well there's another forum topic that uses Circuit for distinguishing between Drum Corp/ Marching Band/ Guard/ DL
Indiana Sound - D2 (MidwestUnion)
Corydon Sound - D2
Vis X - D2
Music X Ensemble - D2
why dont we just pick one of the two terms for ourselves and call all the groups that, whether they go by it or not
Carolina's Phantom Inc. (D2)

DC - Carolina's Regiment
DL - The Phantom of Carolina Drumline
CG - Phantom's Crown
MB - Carolina's Regiment of Winds
bachstrad2010: forgot about that, otherwise it made sense... but yeah any of the terms used so far make sense to use. Also, I should have read the other forum more closely as this topic had already been addressed, sorry.
Founding Member and first President of the North-East and East-Coast Combine
Director of the Perception Performing Arts Network based out of Newbury, England
Support the East-Coast Combine

Alrighty, we're going to refer to the regional groups as unions. If you guys ever have suggestions feel free to voice them.
Indiana Sound - D2 (MidwestUnion)
Corydon Sound - D2
Vis X - D2
Music X Ensemble - D2
I'm assuming that D1 has more than 5 groups?
DBC - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
MB - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
CG - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
DL - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
D1 - 6
D2 - 4
D3 - 1
Indiana Sound - D2 (MidwestUnion)
Corydon Sound - D2
Vis X - D2
Music X Ensemble - D2
So I'm the second admin?
DBC - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
MB - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
CG - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
DL - 1st Place Season 5 Division 1
So, let me get this correct, you guys want to be known as

The Mid Western UNION ?

Do you think the people out west in Ca. want to be known as the WESTERN UNION ?
< insert rim shot HERE >

Sorry, couldn't help but point that out :-)
well you guys can be a combine or whatever, it's just easier to refer to all groups as unions for me personally. You could call us the Mid Western Commonwealth Providence Territory for all I care. Oh and um what are your guys' rates for a money order? Are we going to be charged for posting on your forum group?(I'm just messing around fyi, before anyone starts telling me what a horrible person I am. I already know.)
Indiana Sound - D2 (MidwestUnion)
Corydon Sound - D2
Vis X - D2
Music X Ensemble - D2
I'm a proud card holding member member of Local 53, union of Aholes.

hey, my sick sense of humor gets me in trouble all the time, ask my administration......In person, my humor is much like Rodney Dangerfield , in print ? not so much . Of course all my elementary students just call me Shrek and the lower school band room is known as the swamp
I finally read all these posts about the combines and i'm very interested.

The Cornhuskers Drum & Bugle Corps from Westchestertonfieldville, Iowa would like to join the Mid-West Combine.

Thanks bachstrad2010!
Original Member of the Mid-West Combine (defunct)