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FMA North-East Conference Discussion
Good point. Maybe have a tipping point, like once we reach say, 16 groups, you have to make top 3 top be in finals? That way, the we won't ever have to make the finals comp go over the 15 group expense, and by then it will have enough people to do competitive.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
Yeah, that sounds good.

In other news, we have an informal advanced agreement with the West Coast Circuit, not the coming season, but the one after, for another combine trip. We couldn't do two this season because we don't have enough groups or big enough competitions, but one of those problems is likely to be solved next season. So we may be visiting/hosting the west coast and the gulf coast next season. Exciting stuff.

Founding Member and first President of the North-East and East-Coast Combine
Director of the Perception Performing Arts Network based out of Newbury, England
Support the East-Coast Combine

proposed leadership positions:

- President (in charge of combine, relations with other combines, overall scheduling)

- Vice President (assist president, second in command, would take over if president were absent)

- Regional Directors [3] (supervise each region, run the regional associated with region)

- Championship Director (in charge of running the combine championships, could be one of the regional directors)

- Staff writer (report on the happenings of the combine)

any proposals for changes or additions to this list?

Also, I think that we should have a nomination system for the candidates for each position where someone else must nominate you and you cannot nominate yourself. Once we have the nominations we could create a voting survey and elect our leaders. Thoughts?
Founding Member and first President of the North-East and East-Coast Combine
Director of the Perception Performing Arts Network based out of Newbury, England
Support the East-Coast Combine

Yes, yes, and another yes. Haha. Those sound great!
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
When can the nominations begin?
RWB "It's all for Love L-O-V-E" - Michael Jackson
Well, assuming there are no proposals for changing the positions, why don't we open the nominations here on the forum starting tomorrow (August 1st) and they can stay open until the 6th and then voting will be on the 7th because it is the last day of the season. I'll make a website to cast the votes on and send the link to everyone in a private message on the 7th.

Does that work for everyone?
Founding Member and first President of the North-East and East-Coast Combine
Director of the Perception Performing Arts Network based out of Newbury, England
Support the East-Coast Combine

Sounds good! I have reorganized my sig to the order people joined the combine.

EDIT: I just sent out about 20 messages to possible members. I had been meaning to do that for a while. Haha

I also mentioned the voting and the time-line for that in those messages.

Welcome the Marching Bureaucrats from Washington D.C. directed by stupidlikeafox to the Combine! Silversun, I told them to send a message to you about a week where they can host their competition.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
I nominate Silversun for president and bando for Vice.
RWB "It's all for Love L-O-V-E" - Michael Jackson
@bando: thank you for doing that, we can always use more membership.

@stupidlikeafox: welcome to the combine

@gmbande94: thank you for the nomination.

I nominate:
- cnuclarinet for the southern region director
- gmbande94 for the central region director
- gcurrier for the northern region director
- bando for the championships director

Also, since the current drum corps staff writer is considering writing about the combines, unless someone really wants to do it, why don't we wait and see if we need an additional combine only writer.

EDIT: If anyone who gets nominated doesn't want to be nominated, please send me a personal message and I will remove your name from the ballot.
Founding Member and first President of the North-East and East-Coast Combine
Director of the Perception Performing Arts Network based out of Newbury, England
Support the East-Coast Combine

Thank you for the nomination Silver.
RWB "It's all for Love L-O-V-E" - Michael Jackson

Uh.. let's see...
I think I'll add to the nominations VincentPezza for Central region director.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
Just an update for everyone:

I do have a working schedule for our combine next season; however, I am going to wait to post it until August 7th. There are three reasons for this:

1) There are members who still haven't responded to the first message I sent asking for a competition date.
2) I can account for any corps who join during this last week and add them to the schedule before it is posted.
3) The competitions have not been set for the Gulf-coast tour during the third week and I would like to include those on the schedule.

Looking good so far.
Founding Member and first President of the North-East and East-Coast Combine
Director of the Perception Performing Arts Network based out of Newbury, England
Support the East-Coast Combine

Welcome One4jmu (Sound of the Valley), PhiMuA (Piedmont Crusade), EMC2EMU (Menno Knights), and Flashv (Capital Regiment) to the combine! I told the first three they need to send you info for their competitions. I forgot to mention that to Flashv, so I will send a message that way now.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
Founding Member and first President of the North-East and East-Coast Combine
Director of the Perception Performing Arts Network based out of Newbury, England
Support the East-Coast Combine

As a reminder, these are current combine members.

From Washington D.C.
1) Stupidlikeafox - the Marching Bureaucrats
2) Flashv * - Capital Regiment

From Pennsylvania
3) Gmbande94 - General Mclane Lancers
4) Bando - Eagle Regiment

From Europe
5) Silversun268 - Perception

From Virginia
6) One4jmu* - Sound of the Valley
7) EMC2EMU* - Menno Knights
8) PhiMuA* - Piedmont Crusade
9) Cnuclarinet - Riptide
10) Jrdnhunting - Band Geeks

From New Jersey
11) VincentPezza - Modern Antic

From New York
12) Tomcat3008* - Dunkirk Patriots

From Vermont
13) Gcurrier - Nemesis

From Massachusetts
14) Spartans23 - Legion

The order doesn't mean anything, it is just how I have it in a notepad file by location.

*Needs to send competition information

We have 14 members! This is looking like its going to be a nice season. Don't forget to get your nominations in today!
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
14, You forgot one.

Spartans23/Legion – MA
Founding Member and first President of the North-East and East-Coast Combine
Director of the Perception Performing Arts Network based out of Newbury, England
Support the East-Coast Combine

Oops! I did. Let me fix that.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
Just a reminder:

If you haven't messaged me with competition information (at least size and week, names are not that important), I need that ASAP. If I do not have it by the end of the day tomorrow, August 6th, it will be unlikely that you will be able to participate in the combine this season.

Founding Member and first President of the North-East and East-Coast Combine
Director of the Perception Performing Arts Network based out of Newbury, England
Support the East-Coast Combine

Congrats to all of our members who made semi-finals!

Division 1:
Perception Drum and Bugle Corps (Silversun268)
Marching Bureaucrats (stupidlikeafox)
General Mclane Lancers (gmbande94)
Sound of the Valley (one4jmu)

Division 2:
Band Geeks (Jrdnhunting)
Eagle Regiment (Bando)
Modern Antic (VincentPezza)
Dunkirk Patriots (tomcat3008)

Division 3:
Nemesis (gcurrier)
Riptide (cnuclarinet)

That's 9 groups! =D

Special Congrats to Perception and Band Geeks for being gold medalists in their respective divisions!
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
Well, more than half of our members made semi's!

Looking good for next season.
Founding Member and first President of the North-East and East-Coast Combine
Director of the Perception Performing Arts Network based out of Newbury, England
Support the East-Coast Combine