September 20th, 2012 8:37pm
I agree with cire: influence isn't a big deal until your ensembles are Division I. Then you need the better caliber of performer high influence will bring to your auditions. So to speak. :-)
For me, I spend my skill points as follows...
Levels 1-10: Max out Effect Specialization
Levels 11-20: Alternate between other two specializations
Levels 21-30: Administrator
Levels 31-40: Finish maxing out other specialization skills (Music/Visual or Equipment/Movement)
Levels 41-45: Motivation
Levels 46-50: Prominence x5
Levels 51-55: Guidance
Levels 56-60: Motivation
Levels 61-65: Prominence x5
Levels 66-70: Guidance
Then alternate Motivation and Guidance until you're maxed out.
That's my plan, anyway.