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If an event is full, there shouldnt be an option to accept. Also why would you need to decline? Shouldnt everyone who wasnt accepted be notified that the show is full and they werent accepted? Then you wouldnt even need a decline option either.
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
You can't accept any groups once your event is full. The button still shows up next to groups but that's an aesthetic thing that I suppose could be changed.

The decline option exists so that you can decline a group even though your event may not be full. That way, that group is not left waiting for their application decision and can apply somewhere else if necessary.
Gotcha thanks.. so we should be declining a group instead of just ignoring their request? Maybe have it so we can have a reason for the decline.. that way the other person doesn't think it's personal or something?
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"