July 31st, 2012 11:56am
That's badass. I work three jobs to pay for college and general life expenses. The first is as a stage manager, the second is as a service desk attendant at a gym, and the third is as a host at a hibachi restaurant. There aren't many benefits to sacrificing my social life and sleep like this, but these jobs actually have some pretty awesome ones.
Stage Manager: I have unlimited access to the hall. I will always have the best practice room in the entire school. This is especially important because our practice rooms are always full anyway. It's also a quiet place to study, and I have access to a free printer.
Gym Attendant: Not only can I use the facility for free, I get to take one free class (kickboxing, weight training, etc.). I don't mean just one session, but the whole course. As someone who is slightly overweight with little motivation to do anything about it, this is a godsend.
Hibachi Host: Taking home leftovers. So much free Japanese food...
Not as cool air soft swag, but I've somehow managed to get probably the three most relevant jobs to being a college music major. I love my jobs!
Div. 1 Semifinalist x1
Div. 3 Silver x1, Semifinalist x1