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Provide a use for excess league funds.
I have no way of spending 4 million dollars on each of my leagues.

Can there be additional ways to use these funds? Distribute them to the active membership? Supply bonuses to finalists? Performance grants per league show performed in? Something?

[unspecified] has been raking in the dough for a year and in theory we cant even help our membership "travel" to the next show.

Detroit Parks & Recreation
Maybe the league shows just rake in too much in general? I mean, I've been able to have shows with loads of empty spots and still make a decent profit.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
I've always had the idea of performer payment in my head like shows do in DCI, but I was never able to figure out a way to justify it because it would be a "rich get richer, poor get poorer" kind of thing.
Continuum (Resigned)
But thats the way "the system" works. And if you want to get in on those cash payments, you would have an incentive to want to join the best league.
Detroit Parks & Recreation
Of course, Alex would need to add something else for us to buy, too. A few of us have already maxed out our staff.
Detroit Parks & Recreation
Off topic, but when does the staff max out?
Continuum (Resigned)
Level 20. Then the price goes waaaaay up. But 4 million dollars would still go a long way.
Detroit Parks & Recreation
Oh, I meant after level 20. :p

Yes, 4 million would help a lot.
Continuum (Resigned)
I don't think there is a limit for top-tier pricing beyond 20.
Detroit Parks & Recreation
I completely agree we need to find a way to spend this money.
RWB "It's all for Love L-O-V-E" - Michael Jackson