August 24 Show (Capital Challenge)
July 21st, 2012 11:33pm
My marching band show seems to have posted itself twice, unless my computer is lying to me. Is there any way one of them could be taken down?
I also got billed for both shows.
***FMA Hall of Fame***
8x DC Gold 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
9x DL Gold 116, 118-119, 121-122, 124-127
12x MB Gold 28-30, 46, 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
25x CG Gold 28-30, 36, 45-48, 53-54, 69, 88
July 21st, 2012 11:57pm
The second show listed seems to receive applicants but it's not acknowledging them on my director overview.
***FMA Hall of Fame***
8x DC Gold 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
9x DL Gold 116, 118-119, 121-122, 124-127
12x MB Gold 28-30, 46, 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
25x CG Gold 28-30, 36, 45-48, 53-54, 69, 88
July 23rd, 2012 2:33am
I really don't want to be a nag about this but I am not collecting attendance for the show, can only accept groups who apply for the second listed show, and if nothing else would like $13,500 back since I was billed twice. Sorry for being annoying.
***FMA Hall of Fame***
8x DC Gold 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
9x DL Gold 116, 118-119, 121-122, 124-127
12x MB Gold 28-30, 46, 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
25x CG Gold 28-30, 36, 45-48, 53-54, 69, 88
July 23rd, 2012 9:51am
Check your money and the show to see if they are correct now.
July 23rd, 2012 11:59am
Thanks a bunch, fixed it all perfectly!
Sorry for the repeat post.
***FMA Hall of Fame***
8x DC Gold 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
9x DL Gold 116, 118-119, 121-122, 124-127
12x MB Gold 28-30, 46, 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
25x CG Gold 28-30, 36, 45-48, 53-54, 69, 88
July 23rd, 2012 4:42pm
I'm having the same problem Alex. Two shows, billed twice. It shows one show on the overveiw, as 7 applicants no accepted and no tickets sold. When I click appications it brings up the other show and I have two accepted there but Im not selling any tickets cause it only goes off the other show. It's on August 22nd
DC: Regimental Blue
MB: Edgar Allen Diddle High School
CG: Legacy
DL: Onyx Reign