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All things Raiders and Bucs groups will be updated and announced in this topic.

The Raiders will bring to the field this season the music of Gluck, including Dance of The Furies!!!!!!! It's fast it's difficult and its just the challenge the Raiders may need to push into the top 7. It's much better than last seasons WWE Show

The Bucs show was created at 3am and the director was to damn sleepy to come up with a real show he would do in real life where he teaches so he ripped off this seasons Spartan's show. I love the music and have played both pieces on and off the field. This promises to be a better show than 70's PORN music.

The Bucs look to make Div I finals in Drum Corps after coming up short in season 17, and look to make it in finals their first season in Drumline. The Raiders on the other hand placed the highest they ever have in Div I in Marching Band, Guard, and Drums and are still looking to crack the top 7 in Drum Corps but have yet to miss finals since going Div I.
Well Folks here is your season 19 shows and season 18 update for everything Raider/Bucs.

In Season 19 the Raiders are bringing back their Latin Show, "Fiesta". Fans of the Raiders are about to riot and protest this musical selection, because every season the Raiders have elected to do a Latin theme, they have placed 12th, and have come close to not even making finals. The director of the Raiders groups has said, "The Latin theme shows have not served us well in the past, but with a stronger core group and new leadership we believe we can continue to push for a top 6/7 break through season. We will make finals, we have never missed when we have played an entire season and season 19 will be no different. The sacrafice of sleep is coming back and hell weeks are returning as well. We strive to be the best and we will not stop until we reach the top." The musical selections include: El Toro Caliente, Symphonic Poem Dance No. 3. Fiesta, Malaguena.

The Buc's are going to push on in hopes of reaching their first finals in season 19, they are bringing to the field one of the show that their director marched when he was in High School. This show knocked off defending 5A Texas State Champion Duncanville, which is a big deal when Mesquite Poteet is class 4A and always a State Power house. The show the Buc's are bringing to the field is called, "Galactic Empire" Music includes New Century Dawn, and Galactic Empires by David Gillingham. "We hope that this is the show that puts all of our groups over the hump and into finals. We know so far in Div I we haven't done what we have set out to do but we hope that all changes in season 19."

As for season 18, The Raider tradition continues, they will make finals in everything and are trying to pull an upset in a few to take their highest placements to date. As for the Bucs they will be making finals in what looks like everything but Drum Corps. Both groups have represented the state of Texas, and their respective cities with great pride, honor, and class, and will continue to do so as we move forward.
So as Season 19 comes to a close here is the update from this years Raider's/Buc's season, and a look into the up coming season.

Well the Raiders are doing exactly what they always do, except this years DCI show is border line not even a finals group, as prodicted before the start of the season, so all Latin shows will be retired until further notice from being performed by the Raiders.

The Buc's again are fighting for finals in all groups and are going to fal short again in DCI. A sad ending to a season full of hope, but they will look towards the future when they make a full return to the field.

The Raider's are changing uniforms for the next 10 seasons.

Drum Corps- http://www.bandmans.com/images/BC2010a.jpg

Marching Band- http://www.bandmans.com/images/productimages/bc033.jpg

Guard- http://www.bandmans.com/images/rhy100.jpg

The Raider's season 20 show, is a Raider's classic that brought home a DIV III title. The Raider's are proud to bring back and to the field once again, The Music of Linkin Park, featuring, What I've Done, Burning in The Skies, Faint, and Burn It Down.

The Buc's are also going under a uniform change for the next 10 seasons.

DCI- http://www.bandmans.com/images/bc2011red.jpg

Marching Band- http://www.bandmans.com/images/BC9292.jpg

Guard- http://www.bandmans.com/images/productimages/sparkle1.jpg

The Buc's season 20 show is bringing out The Music of AC/DC, featuring, Thunderstruck, Hells Bells, High Way to Hell, and Night Prowler.
Well season 20 went according to plan, tanked the season in order to unload in season 21. The Raiders miss finals for the first time since going Div I, and still placed a good score up.

In Season 21, the Raider's groups will be bringing to the field their show "Apocalyptica",

Mvt. 1: The Signs

Mvt. 2: Human Sacrifice

Mvt. 3: The Apocalypse

Drill and Music composed by Raider's Staff.

The Buc's again miss out on finals, but like the Raider's tanked this season to come back stronger in 21.
The Bucs will bring to the field their show, "Wonders of The World",

Mvt. 1: The Statue of Zeus

Mvt. 2: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Mvt. 3: The Great Pyramid's
Season 21 saw the Buc's finish the highest they ever have in Div I but still missed finals in Drum Corps with a 13th place finish. The Raider's continue to make finals but not jump into that upper half since going Div I, but hope Season 22 changes that.

The Raider's will bring to the field their show "Values" music based on American Values


The Buc's will bring out "The Battle" Music based on American Troops training and War themes.

Boot Camp
Notice of War
The Battle
Heros Return/TAPS
Well here it is, the time has come for the Raider's and Buc's groups to give it one final go. The head director for the Raider's/Buc's will be leaving for Army BCT and AIT followed by OCS starting this May. Which means these groups wont be active or even around so the Raider's and Bucs are going to do the only way to go out and that is giving it everything they have. If I have any time at all I will hop on and keep the groups active and away from folding altogether but it will be very difficult to do... With that being said, this will be the last full season for at least one year these groups will compete in. So without any further delay here is what the Raider's and Buc's will be bringing to the field...

The Raider's
Final Hope
House of Cards
Guardians At The Gate
Lost Empire

The Buc's
Guardians At The Gate
Veni Vidi Vici
Final Hope
Lost Empire
Blood and Glory

With that being the list of music all brought to you by Audiomachine, personal favorite is Final Hope... Fitting music and title for the journey I'm about to embark on in my life.
Thank you and good luck!
***FMA Hall of Fame***
8x DC Gold 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
9x DL Gold 116, 118-119, 121-122, 124-127
12x MB Gold 28-30, 46, 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
25x CG Gold 28-30, 36, 45-48, 53-54, 69, 88
Have fun down there in good ole ft benning. What job are you hoping for?

Oh and you have it backwards its BCT, OCS, then AIT.
I'm headed to Ft. Jackson, then Ft. Rucker... Army Aviator, already passed everything just in RSP until May
Happy birthday to me!!!
A little Mid-Season update.. Both groups are doing better than they have ever done at any point of any season in Div I... Not a bad way to have one final full season go.... Again this is the Raider's and Bucs's groups last full season, any other time between April and January of 2014 that they are active is because I got a chance to do so during training... Best of luck to you guys as finals start to creep up and I get ready to ship out!!!
The music of the video games Halo, and Zelda will be taking the field this season, as the Raider's and Buc's start the long process of just trying to host a show and campaign from now until 2014... If we ever get a full season to compete again we will come back ready to go. This past season I put in old school no sleep, max effort and came up short but still placed higher than ever, so we need to build and just prep for the future...
Back, and taking the field in competition, from the home of the United States Army Aviation @ Ft. Rucker Alabama, the Raiders and Bucs have made it into the Div I picture. We don't know how far they can go with the schedule they have everyday, but the goal is to be competitive and grow until training is complete...
I saw that the raiders took 2nd, Congrats! Welcome back to competition.
Head director of the Hornets,

Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
My scores may start to dip, starting school finally, gotta learn to control traffic for the army aviation and civilian world so your plane doesn't crash
thats probably a good thing
Head director of the Hornets,

Season 23 Division 3 Finalist, Season 24 Division 2 Finalist, Season 25 Division 2 Silver , Season 26 D2 Bronze, Season 27 6th D2, Season 28 Bronze D2, 13x D1 finalis
The Raiders and Bucs are back and in full force this coming season...
The Raiders will be bringing their innovative drill and music back to the music world with the, "The Angels of Hell" Over all goal is to make finals and score close enough to be a top 6 in all 4 areas DCI/MB/G/DL.

The Bucs will be presenting "The Final Frontier" Music from Space. The overall goal is sneak into Semi's and push towards a finals slot

The cross town rivals will be going head to head at least twice this season and will be looking forward to hosting their own contest on the 6th, and 8th of December. Hope to see y'all there in the Heart of Texas, East of Dallas
Well it almost happened in the Guard but the BUC'S almost bested the cross town rival Raiders groups. Well overall a success for both groups and lets get on to this season.

The Raiders bring The Jazz Lounge to the field, while the Bucs bring Metro to the field. Both look to make finals in all areas and continue to fight for city/state dominance in recruiting.

Jan 19th, and 21st are the respected hosted show dates so come throw down with us in Dallas
I honestly thought about tanking my groups this season and doing a Dick Butt show, but I think I can compete again and not get to busy with work