June 7th, 2012 9:10am
FINAL POWER RANKINGS - Just the Top Twelve now.
1. Nemesis - Tullahoma managed to take literally the smallest lead it could possibly have. Regardless, when comparing the weaknesses of the two corps, it'll certainly be easier for Nemesis to rise up. Congratulations to Nemesis on a perfect regular season as well.
2. Tullahoma Azure Force - My kids were hoping to join the ranks of consecutive champions, but it's not looking great. Look for Tullahoma to push hard into finals, but a win might be a taller order than they can handle. Still as it's been, these top two corps are untouchable. In no world do Epic or Blue Demons catch up in the fews days that they have (without bribing some judges).
3. Epic - Epic has decided that I can't ever be right and refuses to let their medal streak continue. What jerks. Can't I be right for once?
4. Blue Demons - Victims of Epic's jerk-ness, this corps who I thought was solidly in the last medaling position has dropped off a bit. It's not impossible for them to retake the lead. In all truth they have easier captions to improve so look for me to be wrong. Again.
5. Blue Deviled Eggs - Another corps who is looking to ruin my predictions. The streak will probably live on. Happy now?
6. Regal Regiment - A former silver medal favorite, one can not help but wonder what caused a corps so close to Tullahoma last year to slip this year. Did Tullahoma practice harder or did Regal slip? Was it in the show design? Go on. Speculate. Regardless I am feeling confident that Regal will stay in the top half of the drum corps world.
7. Lemon Bay Jazz- Woah. That's right. I'm predicting the big 7 to be broken up. Welcome, Lemon Bay Jazz. I was surprised to see that they could outpace the Raiders, but here they are. It is a very good chance that we will see them outpace the Cornhuskers as they seem to be set to do. Kudos to their director for driving them to a height that I thought was impossible this season.
8. Cornhuskers - I didn't want to break up the big 7. But Lemon Bay was just too powerful. It breaks my heart to put the Cornhuskers this low, but without a major boost, Lemon Bay will join the ranks of the Big 7.
9. The Raiders - They've broken 90 for the first time. There was a time when you'd get gold for that, but that was long ago. I think given time, they too could beat the Cornhuskers, but these few days aren't enough.
10. Immortals - Here's where it gets dicey, but the Immortals have a clear advantage here. They've powered through the rankings from the bottom half of the entire Division 1 to arrive here. Ready to not only be in finals, but to beat finalist corps. Most impressive rise this season.
11. Khaki Krusaders - My fellow [unspecified] corps is the only other one I believe will make finals. They are slimly behind Immortals, but I think that gap will widen. Fight hard to hold onto this spot Khaki!
12. Falcon Regiment - I really did want to make more predictions than just following the the current top 12, but for me to bet against Falcon Regiment, nonsense. I did think that they would be higher up though. The entrance of the Immortals and Lemon Bay Jazz were probably the biggest reason why I did not predict this drop. Still, making finals in this logjam is impressive so props must be given if Falcon Regiment survives the 4 corps behind it that can make Finals.