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Game Update - 7/8/2010
I am pleased to announce the first major update to the FMA website and back-end system!

New Features:
+ forum search option
+ "Recent Topics" page on the forums
+ user profiles now show post count and joined date
+ group profiles now show hometown
+ FMA sponsored regional events!

Bug Fixes:
+ users can save their signature without having to have a personal info section
+ schedule page fixes to correctly show Full Events in any situation
+ force "www" in URL to avoid login problems

FMA Regional Events:
These are clearly marked on the Schedule page and are first come-first served. Groups may join up to 3 regional events per season at this time. Regionals can hold 50 groups. Simply click the "Join Now" link to join a regional. Note: regionals still count toward your daily and weekly event limits.

There are many other updates and features I want to add, however I wanted to get these out immediately due to their high importance. More updates will come in the near future!
All the new features look great. Excellent work. =)
Awesome work Alex.. send me an email if you would like any help in taking care of bugs or adding features or anything
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
Great job!
Thanks for the update Alex!
Proud member of the FMA Mid-West Union
DC - The Stars of Indy
MB - The Marching Giants
CG - X-Factor
DL - Invasion
Thank you Alex!
Thanks for the updates Alex! Much appreciated!
Original Member of the Mid-West Combine (defunct)
Thanks Alex. The updates are great.
Director of The Wolves Musical and Visual Arts, a non-profit based out of Dacula, Georgia

Former FMA Drum Corps staff writer.
Sweet! Thanks Alex!
DC: Blue Demons Corps
The Regionals are amazing! Espesially since they are automatically confirmed. Thanks for the update!
Yay updates! Still nothing on the link bug then?

<a href="<a href="http://www.fantasymarchingarts.com">http://www.fantasymarchingarts.com</a>">http://www.fantasymarchingarts.com">http://www.fantasymarchingarts.com</a></a>;;

Edit 1: Maybe?

Edit 2: Yep.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
Thanks Alex =)
sweet :]
Proud Director Of

Infinity Sound Drum and Bugle Corps (D2)
Infinity Winterguard (D2)
Storm Indoor Drumline (D2)
Westwood Academy Marching Band (D2)

my favorite is the regional competitions.
Favorite Composer: Richard Saucedo
Favorite Orchestrated piece: Motion (Brian Balmages)
Favorite Mainstream Piece: FireFlies (Owl City)
My bad, it doesn't show "last login" on the user profile, its "Member Since", which is probably more interesting.
Unless you are considering joining a competition, and you see that they haven't logged in since making their show..
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
thanks alex
Great job Alex. Can't wait for more updates.:D