May 2nd, 2012 10:25pm
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DC: Blue Demons Corps
May 2nd, 2012 11:09pm
Well, Silver Falcons took 9th place in Div I last season and we are going to be pushing hard to improve further on that mark! I think the submissions help the very top because in the past if someone managed not to miss a single submission per four hours they could shoot higher up the board. Now, the potential is not there as much to make up for lack of staff by more submissions. But we will be trying anyway =)
Silver Falcons
FMA Hall of Fame
Corps: 2 D1 gold medals
Band: 2 D1 gold medals
Guard: 10 straight D1 titles (FMA record)
Drumline: 3 D1 gold medals
First group to ever score a 100!
May 3rd, 2012 12:36am
For my part, as far as saying the new cap helps or hurts I did support it. However you cant say it helped or hurt nemesis in any way. In reality nemesis was a non-competitor this season by my design to both generate some excitement, CHECK and let me focus on work issues, half check lol my plan is to bounce back this season and the extra hours to do so likely WILL help me as I cant dedicate to this like I have in previous seasons. So do I still support it, sure. Does Cire have a point, COMPLETELY. did it also help others take a leap up, obviously. Do we need to think of a new twist? Mmmhhhmmm
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE
Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
May 3rd, 2012 1:28am
i wonder how far my balls will go with 50k spent on staff O.O....
Practice doesn't make makes you better...
May 3rd, 2012 1:50am
My balls are already up that wall. My entire colorguard unit I believe is lvl 21+.
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.
May 3rd, 2012 1:55am
Final, it will help.. but you TrumpetVinny's balls are probably up to the ceiling by now.. so you'll probably need another 50k on top of that
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
May 3rd, 2012 2:26am
Look what I've started, ball puns and references, bwahaha. The things I do when it's not my time to teach the class.
May 3rd, 2012 2:31am
I definitely feel that I will be starting this season a tad more rough than normal because of the move so even with the 6 hours, I still end up missing 2 or 3 hours! Darn you packing!
Regal Regiment (CLASS) 4XBronze 3XSilver 4XGold
Marching Lords (UNSP) 4XBronze 5XSilver 5XGold
Nobles of Grace (UNSP) 4X Bronze 7XSilver 1X Gold
Drumming Imperials (UNSP) 2X Bronze 5X Silver 7XGold
May 3rd, 2012 3:35am
A good way to look at your ball up the wall-ness is the look at [unspecified]. Chris's groups have been maxed out longer then mine (we had the same money making strategy at the beginning. I stopped, he didn't.). He hasn't competed hardcore in a while. You can see what raw staff can do for you from that.
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.
May 3rd, 2012 9:24am
My staff has been at 21 since season 10.
Detroit Parks & Recreation
May 3rd, 2012 10:17am
Cannelton Marching Penguins will make top 10 this season as long as my job doesnt get to crazy
May 3rd, 2012 10:29am
i wish i had the time to get my staff up that high finding it hard to get them past 10 haha
May 3rd, 2012 10:50pm
I'm not sure when exactly I hit the 20's. I think S14. I was on constant 15 money campaigns the whole time. They were on 60's during tour and for like the first few seasons. Plus I git money from shows.
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.
May 8th, 2012 1:58am
Lol dead last in Div I after the first shows. But that's typically how my playing style has been since I started. Low at the beginning due to lack of influence and slowly clawing up to where I can be competitive.
DC: Regimental Blue
MB: Edgar Allen Diddle High School
CG: Legacy
DL: Onyx Reign
May 8th, 2012 11:02am
Finally got my staff up into the teens for the most part. Hosting competitions has really been the difference, wish I had started that earlier.
***FMA Hall of Fame***
7x DC Gold 116, 119, 121-122, 124-126
8x DL Gold 116, 118-119, 121-122, 124-126
11x MB Gold 28-30, 46, 116, 119, 121-122, 124-126
24x CG Gold 28-30, 36, 45-48, 53-54, 69, 88
May 10th, 2012 11:26am
I put the challenge levels to the max this season... I hope it turns out well for Atlantic CC as well as the other three. Leveling up staff is also what I'm doing too.
Tennessee... Where your thermometer and calendar often disagree.
FMA HoF Member
May 19th, 2012 3:13pm
Division 3????? (: And how do you guys get all this money?! Lol..
Founder and proud member of DCA (Drum Corps Associates)
May 19th, 2012 3:47pm
@DaltonBates16 Yea, I've been waiting for division three also lol
Member of CLASS; Member of ENCORE; Member of PERC
May 29th, 2012 8:38pm
Have I proved you wrong yet!?!?!? Their is saying on the back of my high school shirts that should apply here... The tradition continues... Well once again I'll be in finals that you placed me out of... Face palm
June 8th, 2012 3:01pm
With the DCI tour about to hit up, I'm going inactive till August after tomorrow, so if you do this again, count Atlantic Clarinet Choir, as well as the rest of my groups if you do that too, out until August. I'll be back after DCI Finals.
Tennessee... Where your thermometer and calendar often disagree.
FMA HoF Member