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Staff buying
Can we possibly prevent people from buying a boatload of staff the day of finals...I understand it is totally legal right now and I don't blame anyone for doing it, but there is no reason a group should get to jump 2 points at finals just because of hiring staff. This makes no sense because what kind of effect is adding staff going to have in a real season on finals day?
Silver Falcons
FMA Hall of Fame
Corps: 2 D1 gold medals
Band: 2 D1 gold medals
Guard: 10 straight D1 titles (FMA record)
Drumline: 3 D1 gold medals

First group to ever score a 100!
I totally agree with this.
Re:Sound Collective - 2x D1 Bronze, 1x D2&D3 Champ
Excelsior Winds - 3x D1 Silver, 2x D1 Bronze
Antiphony - 2x D1 Silver, 1x D2 Champ
conNexus - 2x D1 Silver, 1x D1 Bronze
How do you know they bought staff? They could have paid via the store and bought rehearsal points.
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
That's true, I hadn't considered that...
Silver Falcons
FMA Hall of Fame
Corps: 2 D1 gold medals
Band: 2 D1 gold medals
Guard: 10 straight D1 titles (FMA record)
Drumline: 3 D1 gold medals

First group to ever score a 100!
That must be it, because unless you're going from no staff at all to a bunch of staff I can't see how you gain 2 points.

I'll be honest: I saved up about $6,000 per ensemble last season that I spent the day of Semifinals. Gains from Prelims to Semis per ensemble ranged between 0.9 to 1.1 points. Normal daily gains for me after a full day of practice ranged from 0.5 to 0.7 points, so AT MOST all the extra staff got me 0.4

Maybe someone saved up $25-50,000 and spent it all Finals day? So be it, as far as I'm concerned. Let them play however they want.
FMA v1: 9 Golds, 12 Silvers, 8 Bronzes
FMA v2: See profile
Well it's definitely possible to save up that much money. Instead of spending extra money raised from shows at the beginning of the season, spend it at the end of the season. That's how that would be achieved.
Silver Falcons
FMA Hall of Fame
Corps: 2 D1 gold medals
Band: 2 D1 gold medals
Guard: 10 straight D1 titles (FMA record)
Drumline: 3 D1 gold medals

First group to ever score a 100!
I have $100,000 in the bank. �\_(ツ)_/�
Detroit Parks & Recreation
Each season I end up with at least $20000 from my shows (growing though into more $40000 range), so.... yeah it's doable, but for me there's not much of a point since Even $40000 wouldn't get me much (I've maxed out all of my staff to 20+ except drumline who only have one person below level 20 and that guy's level 19).
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.