March 13th, 2012 8:11pm
Probably too late for a fix for next season, but maybe not. Color Guard scoring is broken in Division I, and I mean this in two ways.
First, the Top 4 guards in D-1 are all over 98 already (one is over 99) and prelims hasn't even started. My 92.875 is still only 10th! I think the scores need to be reined in a little bit.
Second, the scoring is broken, literally. At the Music of the Lake show today (3/13), the Nobles of Grace scored 40.005 in GE. There's only 40.000 possible! (The Knight Guard got 40.020 in GE at another show, I see.)
It would be one thing to just put a cap on the captions, but it's going to look silly in a season or two when the top 7-8 guards have perfect scores in a couple of captions and 99.775 is only good enough for 5th place.