January 17th, 2012 8:21pm
MarimbaMan: Your Silver Falcon MB is one of the groups that has me puzzled, yes.
"I don't fundraise or promote during the day when I am awake" -- same here
"and fundraise on 60 while I am asleep." -- same here
"Right now I'm about average on the challenge level." -- I'm more on the difficult side.
SibFU has 13 levels and about 5000 influence on the Silver Falcons, and I'm sure higher staff (a combined 127 ranks across 13 staff members). On opening day SibFU was 3.7 points ahead of Silver Falcons. Now SibFU is ~2.0 points behind (a 5.7-point swing in literally only two weeks) and losing ground every day.
My challenge levels are set to 11 for winds and visual, and 10 for percussion and guard. I think my max available this season was 13 and my minimum was 4 or 5?
Intriguing. The only thing I can take out of this right now is that difficulty is badly, badly overrated (indeed, should probably be completely avoided) until you have a TON of influence and can recruit ridiculous performers. Something to experiment with next season, I suppose.