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I know I certainly rarely take in brand new ensembles to my competitions. Nothing against them, but my staff isn't maxed out and I need money. A thought occurred that for the 1st season or 2 of an ensemble they could have a hype bonus. Doesn't benefit them, but it does benefit people who let them into competitions. In all honesty I think people might be interested in seeing a brand new group in real life, so why not give them a boost to help them into competitions? It'd just be as if they'd been hyped up and people had interest in seeing them.
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.
or maybe have the influence part hidden during preseason
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
I wouldn't say keep influence hidden. I mean there were a few seasons where I messed up something and really needed higher influence groups to try and get some money back.

I think that groups in their first season should give competitions earlier in the season a boost. I mean, once a group has performed for a little while, people will hear about them, and from then on, I think that minds would be made up. Just what I think anyway.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
I think the system works as-is. Alex would need to code a system of regions and show locations. Div3 corps don't pull a crowd unless its in their hometown, and even then...

Nobody goes to a show to see Forte or Platinum, they go to see the Cavaliers and the Blue Devils. Its the way it is.
Detroit Parks & Recreation
That statement is most definitely not true. Im sure many parents and alumni from Forte or Platinum go to a show just to see them perform.
# of Platinum alumni and fans vs. # of Blue Devils alumni and fans.

Game Set Match. Winner, Chris Rohn.

As for the subject, I agree that the system is fine as is. Heck, if it means that much to you to get accepted into certain shows, turn on promotional campaigns full-blast for a season. By the next season you won't have to worry about it.

Plus, let's remember that some of will accept any unit with greater than zero influence. My influence isn't huge, but I still have no problem filling the schedule each season.
FMA v1: 9 Golds, 12 Silvers, 8 Bronzes
FMA v2: See profile
Unless you are east of the west coast, then more people would probably not go just to see BD. :P

I always accept groups first come first serve, regardless of influence
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
I think that the first come first serve idea works no matter what for influence. The first people to apply for your shows are usually people who get on more, so there is a higher chance of them having higher influence. Granted, it doesn't ALWAYS work out like that, but for my first two seasons it did then I got a lot of newer players, so I got less influenced corps/bands/drumlines/guards at my shows. Notwithstanding, if everyone did the first come first serve system, then nobody would have to worry about influence at all. Accedpting higher influenced groups will get you more money AND it will maken the newer players most likely go and set their promo campagns to max. They will eventualy get the influence they need over time if they are honestly serious about this site.
12 years later
Why not make a basic show influence? What I mean is that, for example; everybody that's below let's say 10,000 influence. When it comes to bringing in fans they'd give a influence ammount of a10,000. It doesn't count towards audition points, it just helps bring in fans. But the ultimate way of realistically fixing influence would to be completely change the system. You'd have to have influence fluctuate based off of current scores and past years scores (including finals/medals). Cause if you look up the groups with the most influence on FMA. Most of aren't winning any medals. This would hurt groups that have been around for a long time, but would mean more active playing to be consistent.
DC: Regimental Blue
MB: Edgar Allen Diddle High School
CG: Legacy
DL: Onyx Reign
Thats an interesting idea. I think the idea of influence used for shows being based of scores makes sense. Although maybe keep the current form of influence for the group set up process? (Or else it would need to go off the previous season -- which would have to be from the ranking they final'd with, and the first show of the season that a group competes in would need to reset it)
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles